Get A Better Resume

Expert CV Writing (7 Valuable Skills You Should Love to Boast About)

Expert CV Writing (7 Valuable Skills You Should Love To Boast About)

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There are some valuable skills to put on CV to make the right first impression.

What are these skills?

In this article, we explore seven valuable skills for your CV and how they can help you get hired!

Make no mistake, writing a powerhouse CV or resumé is an art.

In today’s competitive job market, smart job seekers must master this art to impress recruiters!

Many job seekers think that a CV or resumé is just a document that contains your profile.

This is a common mistake.

They don’t think about the right skills to include in their CV.

But there are valuable skills you should include in your CV if you want recruiters to notice you.

Recruiters and hiring managers are looking for them.

So, what are these valuable skills for your CV?

The seven valuable skills are:

Core technical skills
Organisation, management & leadership
People & relationship building

 The Need To Stand Out

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Your CV is the most crucial item in your job search tool kit.

You need to craft an impactful CV or resume.

One that will get you job interviews and get you hired by an employer.

It must be compelling! So, the recruiter can’t wait to meet you.

That is the ultimate purpose of a good CV or resumé.

The current job search marketplace is fiercely competitive.

A single job advert gets an average of 200 job applications.

That’s many other people like you vying for the same role.

Only candidates with an outstanding profile get interviewed─and employers want to hire only the best candidate.

In the battle to stand out – your CV or resumé is critical.

Your Qualifications Are Not Unique

It doesn’t matter how qualified you think you are.

There are tons of other applicants just as qualified, or maybe more so.

But don’t be intimidated.

There are other ways to be unique in a pool of equally qualified job candidates and make your CV stand out.

It’s your uniqueness that will get the attention of recruiters.

Your CV or resume is one of the first documents that can influence if you get picked or ignored in the job race.

Your best bet is to make sure your CV slays.

CV Tips

Your success in the job search market begins with the very first step. 

And creating your CV or resumé is that step.

We will show you 7 Critical Skills to incorporate into your CV or resumé to make it stand out.

Before we dive into them, you need to know that there are two types of skills: soft skills and hard skills.

Soft skills are part of a person’s character. 

Hard skills are abilities you acquired through learning.

Examples of soft, valuable skills

  • Communication
  • Critical thinking
  • Decision-making
  • Organisational
  • Problem-solving
  • Stress management
  • Teamwork
  • Time management

Examples of hard, valuable skills

  • Analytical Skills
  • Computer Skills
  • Management Skills
  • Marketing Skills
  • Presentation Skills
  • Project Management Skills
  • Technical Skills (IT, Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, etc.)

Having the right skill sets and presenting them the right way will add value to your CV or resumé. 

Doing so will boost your chances of the recruiter selecting you for an interview.

So, make sure to include in your CV or resumé the skills you have that match the job description requirements.

Then, focus on your soft skills as most employers are interested in a candidate’s soft skills.

Many employers look for skills such as problem-solving, leadership, self-reliance, and team-building abilities. 

These are some top skills hiring managers want to see in a CV and explore further in the interview.CV valuable skills

7 Valuable Skills to Put On CV or Resume

Here are the skills to include that will add value to your CV or resumé:

1. Interpersonal Skills

Let your CV show you are good at organising and communicating with others in a way that achieves results.

Most employers prefer an affable employee than a ‘lone ranger’ that does their work alone.

2. Leadership

Your resumé should be compelling. 

It must show how your leadership abilities improve results and get better outcomes.

3. Problem-Solving

Every organisation exists to solve a given problem. 

Can you simplify complex challenges and solve them? 

Can you explain how you solve problems?

Your CV or resumé needs to show your ability to come up with solutions to challenges.

4. Technical Know-How

Most job postings will state specific skill requirements.

Your CV or resumé must include these core skills and any relevant work experience.

5. Versatility

The business landscape is more dynamic now than ever.

Show how flexible and adaptable you are, especially in the face of an unforeseen event.

6. Organisation Skills

No employer likes disorganised employees.

Your CV or resumé should show your ability to set goals and achieve them.

Doing so will prove your ability to design, plan, and carry out tasks and projects within a schedule.

7. Self-Confidence

Yes, it’s a skill.

Many qualified job candidates miss out on opportunities to be hired because of a lack of confidence.

Your CV should show that you are a confident person.

You must believe in yourself and your unique blend of skills, education, and abilities. 

If you don’t – why would a prospective employer?

Show in your CV what you have to offer the employer so that the recruiter is immediately interested in you.

CV Tip

One of the top tips for writing an interview winning CV is, to be honest about your job application skills.

Avoid just listing your skills. Instead, give the context in which your skills allowed you to achieve a positive result.

Do you feel that you need to develop some specific job skills? 

Then focus on learning them to enhance your employability.

Further Reading: Skills to Put on CV

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CVJury Editorial Team

The CVJury Team includes hiring managers, employability consultants, and independent career counselors. Our purpose is to make creating a CV or resume easy. We have 15 years of experience supporting professionals, job seekers, and students worldwide. Read our story and discover how we can help you.

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