ATS Resume Checker

ATS resume scanner: scan, compare, succeed

Optimize your resume for ATS. Don’t let applicant tracking systems (ATS) overlook your resume. Compare it to job descriptions and ensure it’s ATS-friendly to boost your chances.

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How To Save Your Scanner Results

Click “Print Report” to select the “Save Option” in your printer window, which allows you to save your results as a PDF file:


Interview invitations vs resumes uploaded online

How Satisfied are you with your ratio?

Don’t sweat even one more day. Let our app give you a free ATS resume check.
Take a free resume scan to help you flip the table in your favor.


Raise the Odds In Your Favor with Your Dependable Job Search Tools

The odds favor job seekers who scan their resumes. That is the reason to use our free resume scanner. Instantly upload your resume and job description, then scan. See the exact matches of the specific jobs you apply for.

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job description upload
similarities upload
personal profile upload
Resume scanner - More Upload
Upload Resume

Upload your resume [docx, .txt, or PDF]. Or copy and paste it in the space provided.

Upload Job Description, About Us, Job & Industry Titles. Paste in spaces provided for best results.

Scan. Compare.Click ‘Start Scan’ to get results.

Add recommended skills, ATS tips, sales index to your resume. Rescan to boost score!

Get a chance to land more interviews by optimizing your resume with our scanner.


Resume Scanner Live Editor

Optimize your resume for the ATS and increase your chances of impressing hiring managers who want to know:

  • Your qualifications and skills meet those stated as critical criteria
  • Your work experience shows you can do the job
  • The Resume answers, ‘How can you add value to the company?’

Start with our free resume builder, then let our scanner detect hard skills from the job description that might be missing in your resume, making it easier for you to add them, along with the necessary soft skills.


Optimize Your Resume To Land More Interviews

99 Percent of Fortune 500 organizations use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to weed out resumes people submit online. 66% of large and 35% of small companies rely upon recruitment software- Kelly OCG research.
What chance will your resume have if you optimize for relevant keywords, ATS, and thus landing interviews? You will be in demand for interviews. And on the way to landing your dream job.

Demonstrate What Matters Most

Your resume must focus on results and successful outcomes to land your new job. This is what hiring managers care about most. Focus on your previous successes. Get our help to uncover your past achievements and your hidden transferable skills. And how to communicate it in a compelling way to elicit the response you need.

Don't Manually Match Keywords

Our free ATS scanner finds your resume’s missing keywords. Don’t waste time manually highlighting hard and soft skills in job descriptions. Our ATS resume keywords scanner matches the resume to the job description and instantly generates a match report (skills gaps). We make it look easy for you.

Scan And Optimize Your Resume

Scanned resumes for job applications perform 98 percent better than average. The ATS tester systems reject 98% of job applicants at the initial resume screening stage. Only 2 out of 100 are likely to get job interviews. Why would you put yourself in this odd? Just scan your resume. That’s all!


Two Types Of Resumes And Job Candidates Exist

Applicant Tracking Systems separate candidates into two piles based on keyword matching:



Scan your resume and the job description. Optimize your resume before posting it online.

unqualified candidate -resume scanner


Online Resume Scanner FAQs
What is an applicant tracking system - ATS?

They are recruiting software applications used to support companies in hiring. These systems can sort through thousands of resumes, among other functions.

Your resume doesn’t go to recruiters directly for attention when you apply for a job on the internet, even for qualified candidates. An ATS will process it first.

How well you optimise your resume for ATS algorithms will determine whether or not a human recruiter sees it. That’s why adding the right keywords and improving the content on your resume is vital!

Our online CV builder and free online resume builder produce ATS-friendly CVs so you have nothing to worry about. Is CVJury’s resume scanner free? Yes.

How to make your Resume ATS complaint?
  1. Send as a .docx file for ATS readability (not PDF unless a .docx file is impossible). While most ATS systems can now accept a PDF, some issues exist with a few older applicant tracking systems. The safest is a Word file.
  2. Avoid fancy formatting when uploading on applicant tracking systems.
  3. Add keywords naturally. Avoid keyword stuffing.
  4. Avoid using clever or creative titles for your resume, such as “Places I’ve Been Before”, and instead use the conventional section titles like “Work Experience”.
  5. Applicant tracking systems don’t like tables and columns, leading to significant parsing mistakes.
  6. Avoid using headers and footers, as information may get lost or result in a parsing error.
  7. Optimise for ATS search and ranking algorithms by matching your resume’s relevant keywords with the job description.
  8. The competency-based or functional resume format is incompatible with ATS software. You should use a hybrid or chronological resume format.
  9. Use a classic resume font like Calibri, Georgia, Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma or Garamond, etc.
  10. Write popular terms using both the complete spelling as well as the acronym version (e.g., Information and Communication Technology ICT), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), and Master of Business Administration (MBA) to maximise search functions
  11. Your resume should be tailored to the job description content to get accepted online.
How does a Resume’s ATS scan work?

ATS resume scanners are software applications that scan resumes and extract resume keywords.

An ATS scanner also scans job descriptions for keywords. You can then compare how well your resume matches the job description keywords. Meanwhile, here is how to write a resume like a pro.

Do companies use Resume Scanners?

Companies generally use an applicant tracking system(ATS) to sift candidates’ resumes based on the critical criteria hiring managers set ab initio.

However, a resume scanner such as the CVJury Resume Scanner (and our resume builder) exists so you can scan your resumes before submitting them on companies’ ATS job scanner portals.

Which is the best Resume checker?

To crush job applications, you must scan and optimize your resumes. Our free ATS resume scan will match the score between your resume and the job description’s common keywords.

Doing this will show your keywords’ skill gaps. Here is why users are held spellbound by our scanner that scans and compares and offers a live editor dashboard to edit your resume and optimize for ATS software. You’ll see how your scan score changes as you add the missing keywords.

Is this ATS scanner free? Yes, it is! Please give your resume the advantage of our free ATS resume scan today!

Can I run my Resumes and Job Descriptions through an applicant tracking system?

Companies and hiring managers need an applicant tracking system to manage large numbers of applicants. This streamlines the recruitment process.

Individuals do not need to provide these systems because an ATS can be expensive. It’s cheaper to use our resume keyword scanner instead. Scan your resumes and job descriptions applying for jobs.

You can read more about the ATS and how you must tailor your resumes.

Create your resume using our free online resume builder.

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