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10 Tips for Becoming Most Likable in Life and Work

Becoming Most Likeable

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Who wouldn’t want to be more appealing, likable, and easily relate to? It’s a universal aspiration to be appreciated and well-liked by those around us.

We want to appear adorable in life and at work to win the hearts of everyone we interact with and enjoy favors from them.

Just like humans, animals have ways of demonstrating certain behaviors to become more likable.

Male animals in the jungle must be strong, fierce, and dynamic to win more females and raise strong generations.

Similarly, you need to work on some areas in your life for people to like you.

Perhaps you’ve wondered why some people find it easy to relate well with others, get better jobs or close more deals.

Maybe you’ve wanted to know what kind of talisman they have that enables them to succeed in almost everything they do.

What’s common among these people is how highly likable they tend to be in the presence of others.

Now the next big question you might be having is, can you enhance your likability so you can easily navigate life?

You’ve got it wrong if you think being likable is only a personality attributed to some special people. 

With a few tweaks around some traits, you can become likable and win more favors in life and at work.

For instance, being likable will help you retain customers in your business, empathize with friends and workmates, influence people, and bring joy to those around you. 

If you hold a leadership position, likability will be helpful when meeting organizational goals.

An employer who’s highly likable will sprinkle a spirit of trust and commitment into his employees. 

As a result, these employees will feel recognized, appreciated, and motivated to meet the company’s goals.

So you want to know how to make yourself likable and win more favors? 

Practice these job-finding tips more often and become more adorable in life and work.

Soft Skills to Make You Likable in Life and Work


Since the hiring manager only has a short time to skim through your, you want to make a bold, concise statement. 

Find some of the most important soft to consider in your resume or CV.


In our overly noisy environment, there’s an insatiable need to have people listening to what we say. 

Unfortunately, the modern man has scored poorly regarding attention span.

People don’t want to spend much time listening to others. 

It’s ironic how people want to be listened to but don’t want to pay attention to the needs of others.

By being attentive, you can become a likable person. 

When someone comes to you and has something to share, pay close attention to all the details. 

This will indicate that you’re interested and empathetic towards others.

Similarly, being attentive will help people trust you and always come to you when they want exceptional advice or problem-solving.

For instance, workmates who’re nursing divorce or losing loved ones can want to talk with someone to feel relieved. Listening attentively is the best way to offer help if they approach you.

In listening, ensure you put yourself in their situation and focus on their feelings now. 

Avoid focusing on your response. They could want to talk out all that’s bedeviling them and feel relieved.

Ask questions where you need clarification to show them you’re genuinely interested. 

In the long run, these people will develop trust in you and like you in return.

Being Ethical

Living an ethical life means you do what’s right and avoid causing suffering to others. 

An ethical person outlives any temptations on self-interests at the expense of others. 

Living a virtuous life makes you friendlier among people you interact with.

For instance, you’re likely to interact with people of different traits. 

You will find most people intolerable.

However, you are responsible for turning the tables around and making such people fit in your identity group. 

Being ethical will allow them to want to associate with you and like you.

You can start by simply reading about what it entails to become an ethical person. 

Ethical people tend to empathize with others. 

They pay close attention to the lives of others and try to understand what they’re experiencing.

In addition, these people portray honesty and selflessness. 

Being honest and selfless at the workplace or with friends will attract more people to you.

An ethical individual, you’ll also respect other people’s rights and meet all your promises and obligations. 

Living an ethical life can help you become highly likable. 

Ensure you do what’s good and avoid hurting the feelings of others at work and in life.

Displaying Personal Values

Displaying personal values can help you change from unlikable to likable. 

Personal values are those behaviors and characteristics that guide you in your everyday situation.

Whether alone or interacting with others, your values will help you do what’s right and make others want to associate with you.

For instance, if you value hard work and achievements, people may want to associate with you to learn about hard work and success. 

Yet, you must be accommodating and ready to help others.

Other personal values that can help enhance your likability include courage, creativity, honesty, intelligence, love, and understanding. 

Display personal values when relating with others and ensure you make them feel genuine.

In addition, assess all the personal values you’ve employed to determine how effective they’ve been. 

Put more emphasis on those that work towards making you enchant when dealing with people.

Doing What’s Right

We all want to live in a world where people do what’s right. If people do the right things, the chances of living comfortably and happily can increase. 

The list of good things you can do varies among people.

Sometimes, what you consider suitable could be wrong to me and vice versa. 

However, if what you feel is right doesn’t impede other people’s rights and values, keep doing it.

When enhancing your likability, you can do what’s right when interacting with others. 

This means you must avoid doing what can offend people.

It also means being selfless so that you can do good for others. 

For instance, you can share crucial information with your friends to help them uplift their lives.

While seated on a bus, you can offer your seat to an elderly or sick person. 

You can help newly employed workmates complete some challenging tasks at the workplace.

Doing what’s right can be a perfect prerequisite for making you likable. 

Always look for something good you can do for yourself and others. 

Eventually, people will want to associate with you more.

Further References


Focus is a crucial aspect that great achievers possess.

Focusing on the details can catapult you to achieving goals in record time, whether in a career or relationship.

When it comes to improving your likability, people who focus on the needs of others win.

Just like the same way, you should pay close attention to the feelings of others; focus goes a long way toward making you more likable.

If you’re offering services to people, you must focus on serving them until they feel their presence is appreciated.

Focusing on the needs of your coworkers or friends will make them understand that you’re compassionate towards them.

Being focused means creating time to help people experiencing challenges.

These could be colleagues going through mental breakdowns, victims of catastrophes, or workmates experiencing difficulties executing their tasks.

Listen to them and empathize with them.

Ensure you brighten their day by offering to assist where you can.

As a result, you’ll come out as one who minds others and focuses on their needs.

Having High Moral Standards

High moral standards mean you do what’s morally acceptable and discredit what’s ethically unacceptable.

This means that you can quickly draw a line between what’s right and what’s wrong.

People want to relate with those who make them feel good, happy, and appreciated.

When you portray high moral standards, you encourage more people to trust you.

You must keep doing what’s morally right to win more people around you.

How do you treat others? Are you honest when dealing with others? 

Do you treat people equally? Do you respect the rule of law?

There’re endless ways you can express high moral standards. 

Perhaps you struggle with being likable because you fail to know where and when to use morals.

For instance, if your parents advised you to respect only older people as a child, you may find it difficult to relate with your peers.

To make yourself lovable, you need to respect the young, your peers, and those older than you. 

By doing this, you will relate harmoniously with others.

Read on

How to Define Your Principles and Core Values

Having Principles

Have you set specific rules that guide you in everything that you do? 

Having principles can go a long way in ensuring you relate well with others.

If you want to enhance your likability, living according to your rules can come in handy. 

However, it would be best to have principles geared toward doing good to others.

Ensure you don’t set principles at the expense of those you relate with. 

Some of the ways you can implement include.

  • Avoid condemning or criticizing others, especially in the presence of other people.
  • Appreciate people when they do good.
  • Always put a smile on your face when talking to or with others.
  • Always try to remember the names of people you’ve interacted with.
  • Make people you interact with feel appreciated and needed.
  • Respect others and avoid arguments that may cause discomfort.
  • Ask questions to learn more about them.

You can set other principles to guide you during your interaction with others. 

Implementing such principles will help people associate with you and make you likable at work and with friends.

A male and fa emale cartoon character shaking hand - they look likable


Likable people are honest in all situations, especially when interacting with others. 

Most people think honesty can only apply in some cases but not others.

When at the workplace, you wonder whether to tell your clients the truth about some substandard goods you offer.

The company will force you to sell those products even though they’re not fit for consumption to make profits. 

Failing to sell those products will affect the company’s ROI.

Similarly, you may struggle with remaining honest and losing or sustaining relationships. 

On the upside, honest people tend to win more people. They’re liked and respected.

If you practice honesty, you will encourage more people to trust you and relate with you. 

Honesty also helps you solve problems quickly and manage stress efficiently.


Kindness starts with you. You have to treat yourself with kindness before passing kindness to others. 

When you are kind to others, you help people see the positive side and love you more.

This trait helps to enhance your likability. Give others a chance to talk and listen attentively. 

Be grateful when they do good for you. 

Ensure you always love others equally and give people equal opportunities.

When someone does something wrong to you, like openly condemning or criticizing you, return that with a smile and forgiveness.

When faced with difficulties, stay calm and assure your subjects that all is well as a leader. 

Ultimately, people around you will admire your qualities and like you more.


People want to work and relate with those they can trust. 

If you deliver your promises, people will like and want to be associated with you.

If you work as a group with shared responsibility, always take tasks you’re sure you’ll complete on time. 

People will also want to share their lives if they trust you will keep everything to themselves.

Being trusted by others will make you likable and expose you to lucrative deals, job opportunities, and relationships.

On the other hand, trustworthiness needs you to be honest. 

If you can’t complete a task or keep a particular promise, don’t fear letting people know that you’re incapable of doing it.

As a result, people will appreciate your honesty and trustworthiness and like you more. 

Wrapping up

You don’t need to have any talisman to make yourself likable. 

By working on some traits, you can relate well with others, give them a reason to like you, and always feel at ease when you’re in their presence.

Being likable will expose you to better career opportunities.

Some traits you should work on include attentiveness, being ethical, and displaying personal values. 

Ensure you always do what’s right and put all your focus on everything you do.

Set principles to guide you and employ high moral standards when relating to others. 

Finally, be honest, kind, and trustworthy. 

Ensure you practice these traits now and then so you can master them wholly. 

To discover more ways to become likable, you can click here.

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