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How To Make Yourself Valued at Work

How To Make Yourself Valued At Work

Table of Contents


Determining if you’re valued at work. This will go a long way to deciding if you are where you’re meant to be as an employee.

If you are happy with your current career path, incredible! Do you see a bright future ahead of you? If so, then you should have nothing to worry about.

Should you feel like you’re another cog in the wheel, how do you change the situation in your favour?

How Do You Know You’re Valued at Work? 

Do you feel you are a valued member at the place you work? Can you sense superiors believe you are worth your weight in gold?

Or do you feel they couldn’t care less if you bothered to show up as scheduled?

This is a good thing if you believe you’re valued at work. But, if you think this isn’t the case, it could be time to reconsider your current career options.

If you’re uncertain about your value level at the workplace, find out where exactly you stand. 

This is about learning more about who you are and where you fit in the workplace.

Using the direct approach is one of the best methods to learn whether you’re valued at work. Nothing beats honesty. 

 This applies to everything, including the workplace.

If you’re unclear about where you stand in the company, finding out from management by asking is the best way to go about it.

Sometimes, companies will perform periodic evaluations with their employees. This is good because it should help the worker understand their value at the job site.

Anything less than honesty from your employer as they address you should be a warning sign. This means they don’t value you as a person but also as their employee.

Should this be the case, it would be wise to be on your toes. 

When employers choose to be less than honest with their staff, what else are they dishonest about?

Becoming Valued at Work

Although honesty is always the best policy, not every employer is so approachable.

Should you opt to take a job evaluation upon yourself, make a list of what you do while at work. This list shouldn’t just include your job duties but what your routine has been.

As a list, it can include how early are you when you show up for your shift. Are you always on time, or have you usually been late?

When the time comes to take your breaks, do you take them as scheduled or go whenever you feel like it? 

 How about your lunch break? Believe it or not, how you behave at the job site even while on break speaks volumes.

Do you do overtime as needed at the end of your scheduled day? Are you sporting a smile as you do it?

Or are you adamant about leaving no later than the very second the clock suggests it is quitting time?

Usually, the shining stars of a job site are the same who are flexible enough to work with the employer. 

This means they put the needs of the company first. If this is you, then odds are you’re valued at work.

Further Reading

Assess yourself with world’s best self-assessment test─ The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

How to write a resume like a pro

Not Valued at Work

Unfortunately, some employers will exploit their employees without regard. Even as workers go the extra mile to please their boss, there is no sign of appreciation. 

Should this occur, that valued feeling at work becomes diminished.

Should this be your case, don’t pay that employer back by being anything less than a perfect worker. 

Even if they don’t appreciate you, the last thing you want to do is become a jerk. Jerks tend to have negative attitudes. 

They serve as cancer that can be as deadly as the disease itself.

Don’t cater to that devil on the shoulder! Don’t let it urge you to do something stupid in what may feel justified payback. Lowering yourself to this level will decrease your value at work.

It will also decrease the better part of yourself. Don’t put yourself in a nasty situation you could have otherwise avoided. 

If you feel you are not valued at work, you can approach your employer and ask a few simple questions. 

Find out what they like about your job performance. 

On the same note, find out what they think your weakest points are.

Your employer may have issues of their own and don’t know how to communicate. This is not uncommon. 

Valued Calculations at Work

If you’re at a workplace with communication issues, observe and calculate.

If you work with a team, how do your peers regard you? 

Do you feel you are as valued as the rest or are you odd?

 If you primarily work alone and it’s just you and your employer, how does that person treat you? Do you feel respected? 

Respect and value are essentially the same. So, if you’re respected, you’re also valued.

Another method to calculate if you’re genuinely valued at work is to test your environment. 

One good test is observing the management’s patience level.

Honesty and patience are two essential qualities that define every human being. Not only does this define a person but also the workplace.

When there is a lack of honesty and patience on the job site, this is not a good sign. 

This is your clue that the value placed upon you is not where it should be.

Work Out Your Value

One doesn’t have to be a mathematical genius to determine if they’re valued at work. 

If you’re treated with respect by your peers and employers, you are well where you are. 

Should this is not the case? Then this is where you need to work it out for yourself to become more valuable.

The first step to increasing your personal value is being honest with yourself. Pay attention to your surroundings and do so with a discerning mind.  

In reality, how you feel about a situation is irrelevant. Feelings are like the wind as they come and go as fast as a flash sale.

There are valuable resources in this regard you can tap into. They will help you better understand your worth as a person and worker.

Doing the homework to see if you’re valued at work is an excellent move. 

This is especially true if the employer seems too hard to read and you have no clue where you really stand with them.

Honest Value

Although honesty is always the best policy, so is practising patience and discernment. Unfortunately, not enough people do this these days.

The first step is honesty with patience. From there, practice some genuine discernment. This will help further understand where you really stand.

Are you a valued member of the work environment as you believe you should be? 

If discernment is your weak point, tap into our resources to learn how to strengthen it.

The Value of Communication 

Communication is critical, and this applies to everything. Failed marriages are usually traced to communication issues. 

When spouses feel they’re not valued enough by their life partner, they will feel hurt.

In the workplace, this is no different. If employees don’t feel valued at work, their performance level will suffer. 

It then becomes a domino effect, which may also affect their personal lives.

There are helpful tips to resolve this issue if there is a lack of communication at work.

Further Reference

292 soft skills essential for the workplace

Final Thoughts

If you believe you’re valued at work, odds are you have a great relationship with your employer. 

They will let you know exactly where you stand every chance they get.

When valued at work, you will know this by the employer’s attitude toward you. 

As a worker and person, it is up to you to keep it honest. That honesty will rub off, and this will be in your favour.

If you have doubts about your value at the workplace, don’t be afraid to ask. How will you ever know if you don’t? The last thing you want to do is make assumptions.

Employers tend to favour employees who show signs that they care. It suggests they’re not simply there to collect a paycheque. 

They’re in it because they believe in what they do and who they work for. When employers see this and appreciate it, they will ensure their workers feel valued.

Asking if you’re valued at work may give an otherwise apathetic employer the to sit up and take notice. 

Again, communication is vital, as are honesty, patience, and discernment. Using all these as part of your daily formula will make you priceless.

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