Get A Better Resume

Is It A Brilliant Idea to Send The Same Resume For Different Jobs?

Is It A Brilliant Idea to Send The Same Resume For Different Jobs

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Here’s how to write a CV correctly: You should avoid sending the same resume for every job application.

It is not a winning strategy! Building a high-quality, professional CV or resume that you can tweak for each job application gets better results – more interviews! Always use our ATS resume scanner to optimize your resume.

By adopting a targeted approach, including keywords and phrases in the job description in your CV or resume, you can create a relevant, targeted CV or resume that employers and hiring managers notice.

The premium CV/resume templates at CVJURY help create a killer first impression!

Learn how to overcome the first hurdle in any job application process.

Make your CV or resume outstanding to get an interview and sell yourself to recruiters.

 Do you send the same resume for different jobs that you apply for? 

Let us explain why that’s a bad idea! And what you should be doing instead.

Here are our hacks for you: how to write a resume like a guru.

We deal with many recent graduates and job seekers embarking on their first job search. 

The key to fast-tracking your job search is to focus on the type of work you want and are suitable for.

While feeling desperate to get started ends up with many people applying for any job, it’s the wrong strategy for good career development. 

There is a better way if you value your happiness, professional growth, and long-term career development.

Why do many job seekers send many resumes (or CVs) but never get an interview or reply?

The reason is that they are looking for just a job rather than THE JOB they really want.

They see a vacancy they think they can fill and immediately send in their resume. 

They don’t give it much more thought than that. 

And worse, they send out the same resume regardless of the job or field it’s in.

Most resume experts agree on this one thing. 

Tailoring your resume to reflect and satisfy the hiring manager’s critical needs can look like a Herculean task.

Lily Zhang, the careers writer at The Muse, advised you to do the first thing first. 

You should read and strive to understand the role you wish to apply for. 

When you understand the role well, you’ll then be able to tailor your resume to it.

So, read the job description with an eagle eye to pick what the hiring manager is looking for in the right candidate. 

Note what’s repeated often. 

Then, write how your experience, skills, and training qualify you to meet the job description.

Some free word cloud apps can help you to find exact-match keywords easily.

For example, Jobalytics – Resume Keyword Analyser- will help. 

It expertly views the most critical keywords a job is looking for. 

It identifies keywords missing from your resume. Then, you can insert them skilfully.

Lily also advised you to ensure the first statement is ‘immediately relevant.’

Your first statement would mean the “Professional Summary” section. 

Put the right bullet points in your “Work Experience” that address the hiring manager’s essential skills and needs.

She emphasizes checking to ensure you state the reasons you’re applying. 

Make it clear.

You can ask another person to read your draft. 

Then ask them if they can tell whether you’ve answered the “why did you apply” question explicitly enough.

Companies use two approaches to sift resumes: scan through resumes, or use an applicant tracking system (ATS). 

Natalie Severt, a resume expert at Zety, believes the best step toward satisfying both approaches is to put the right keywords in your resume naturally. 

You get the keywords from the job description.

She then demonstrated one example of tailoring a resume.

Read on!

How to write a CV correctly

Why Quality Rather Than Quantity Matters

Many candidates fail to understand that many professional recruiting managers may never see your resume.

Many organizations now use Application Tracking Software [ATS]. 

It scans resumes using artificial intelligence and selects the most relevant resumes according to the job description.

So, sending off resumes left, right, and center, hoping that you’ll hear back, is not going to cut it in many cases. 

You need a more targeted approach.

Dear Job Seeker
I recommend reviewing your resume and determining the professional fields compatible with your experience and skills. 

List them and then write your resume to fit into those areas.


See my previous posts on how to write a resume and cover letter that get you interviews.

Create a compelling summary of your experience. 

You can include any volunteer experience you have had. 

Current skill sets, certifications, etc., in a way that best fits the industry in question.

You may end up with three or four field-specific resumes. 

But when you need to apply for a job in one of those fields, you will have a well-designed resume ready to send.

This targeted approach makes you more likely to be called for an interview. 

And, ultimately, landing the job you want.


Click here to discover tips on being more targeted in your job search.

Do NOT Send The Same Resume For Different Jobs

Here are some reasons why you should update it for each application. 

And how this can give you an advantage when looking for a new position.

Format Your Resume for Easy Parsing Within An ATS

Adapting your resume to the industry requirements for each position signals the ATS robot that your resume fits the profile the recruiter expected.

It helps your application pass the first test in the selection process. 

Once your resume passes the ATS, a recruiter will likely review it. 

You get around six seconds to prove your work experience and skills deserve a closer look.

Build Your Brand

If you use completely different versions of your resume for each job application, you are diluting your personal brand.

Job seekers often need a single professional resume template that they can easily customize for different positions they apply for.

Adapting resumes does not mean rewriting them altogether.

Remember, your resume must contain information specific to your desired position. 

They may include your background, experience, skills, and qualifications.

A Targeted Approach

Finding that dream job can be difficult if you only send the same resume for each job. 

But you will see interviews stack up if you dedicate the time to carefully tailor the content of your resume for each job posting.

Adapting your resume helps you to adjust your skills, knowledge, and work experience to the requirements of each job.

You can emphasize your strengths and include everything you have done that is directly relevant to the position you are applying for.

Match Keywords
Adapt your resume by studying job advertisements. 

Create a resume that responds directly to the requirements of the job outlined. 

It increases your chances of winning an all-important interview.

You should use specific keywords from each job advert to indicate to the company’s application tracking system (ATS) that our application is relevant. 

The ATS is designed to disqualify candidates who do not meet job requirements.

This selection process step looks for specific elements in your resume to ensure you have the experience the hiring manager wants.

If the qualities you have on your resume match those the recruiter requires for the position, you have an advantage. 

And that can help your job search.

But before applying, you need to ensure your resume stands out. 

It should pass the ATS, but it must then grab the attention of the recruiters. 

Therefore, take the time to carefully edit your resume to reflect the job description for each position.


If nothing else, a tailor-made resume will help you stand out from the competition. 

You need to be able to optimize your resume to answer specific job-related questions.

A career summary is an overview of your skills and work experience and is best used by experienced candidates.

It summarises the job description, name, salary, experience level, qualifications, and other relevant information.


Use CVJURY’s resume template tools to create a resume that will attract attention. 

Impress a potential employer with your skills and experience.

 The Interview Is The Goal


There will be other steps after the first interview, but you’ll need to do all you can to get that first interview.

Before deciding what kind of resume you need, you need to know why you are writing your resume in the first place.

Why would an HR manager or recruiter give you an interview?

Whatever you think your unique ‘selling points’ are ─ highlight them in your resume so that they stand out.

Adapting your resume for each job is the first step to convincing HR managers that you are precisely what they seek.

When you adapt your resume, it helps you to focus on the best and most qualified information.

Are you wondering how to customize a resume and want other expert tips?

You should schedule a personal review session with one of our CVJury industry experts.


  • Ensure you use the exact words in your resume that the HR manager used in the job posting. This will help to emphasize your qualifications/experience for the role.
  • Get your resume noticed! Companies perform keyword searches when sorting resumes. Ensure you include all relevant keywords in your resume when securing a job interview.
  • Adapt your resume for each position. It shows the head of recruitment that you know how competitive the labor market is and that you understand the importance of using all the tools at your disposal to get to the top.


  • Don't create a new resume for each position you apply for. It wastes a lot of time and effort.
  • Never assume that because your work experience and skill set match what the recruiter is looking for, it is enough to get you an interview. There may be hundreds of other candidates just like you!
  • Don't underestimate the value of creating a unique, stand-out resume that grabs attention. CVJURY has professional resume templates that will get you 3x more job interviews! We also strongly advise you to use our CV scanner to know how your CV matches the job advert.

Are You Ready To Get Started? Here’s What To Focus On

With CVJury, you can apply for your dream job with 100% confidence. 

Start building your resume now.

Keep Reading: How to write a CV correctly

Our best article on resume builder 

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CVJury Editorial Team

The CVJury Team includes hiring managers, employability consultants, and independent career counselors. Our purpose is to make creating a CV or resume easy. We have 15 years of experience supporting professionals, job seekers, and students worldwide. Read our story and discover how we can help you.

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