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Proven Ways To Answer “What Is Your Greatest Weakness?”

What Is Your Greatest Weakness?

Table of Contents


  • Interview questions are challenging even at the best of times, yet one question consistently stands out amongst the rest as the most feared: What is your greatest weakness?
  • After having tried to convince your potential employers that you are a capable and motivated individual for most of the interview, you must now tell them something that points to you being less of an ideal candidate.
  • It seems bizarre that interviewers would do this. However, there are a few key reasons why they ask this question.
  • It is not all about finding a fatal flaw to exclude you from the competition.
  • We will cover what interviewers are looking for later in this blog.
  • We will also talk about the importance of being prepared.
  • That is, ensure you have something to say when interviewers pose the inevitable question.
  • Then we will go over how you will answer the question.
  • This involves learning the value of honesty and self-awareness.
  • Spoiler alert─ being ‘too perfect’ is not a weakness, and it will make you look aloof and complacent.
  • Lastly, we will cover some key takeaways about this sometimes-difficult interaction that you can take into your next interview that will help you scale through the dreaded weakness question.

“What is Your Weakness” Job Interview Question

“What is Your Weakness?” This question isn’t a particular favorite among job seekers during a job interview. Why?

Because (honestly speaking) no one looks forward to discussing their weaknesses with a potential future employer in a job interview. No one wants to talk about what they aren’t good at and then harm their chances of getting hired.

Picture this. You’ve finally landed an interview. You’re excited, nervous, and doing your best to sell yourself. Then, out of nowhere, you hear the “What is Your Weakness?” question, and you freeze. Your mind begins to spiral for the best answer, and at the same time, you’re thinking of the best weakness to say.

This dreadful question can very well crush your confidence and leave you feeling even more nervous. This is why you must PREPARE for that big day.

Being prepared doesn’t mean you will be able to predict every interview question. However, you can expect common questions like “Tell about Yourself”, “What is Your Weakness?”, “What is Your strength?”, and prepare for them.

You have to understand the question, know your weaknesses (good and bad), and develop a winning answer for this common interview question.

This post will guide you on how to tackle this popular question and the good and bad weaknesses to provide in an interview.

An interviewer and a candidate probably asking 'What is your greatest weakness'

Why Does the Hiring Manager Ask the ‘What Is Your Weakness?’ in a Job Interview?

An interview is about knowing you as the candidate. Your CV and resume are both pieces of a puzzle, and the hiring manager wants to know who you are beyond that. When interviewing candidates, employers want to determine the personality types pertaining to their company.

They want to relate what you can and cannot do to your resume and determine if you are (indeed) the right candidate fit for the role.

Nevertheless, hiring managers ask this question for the following reasons:

  • To know if you are self-aware
  • To know if you are honest
  • And to know if you are confident
  • To know if you are open to growth and self-improvement
A dejected white man with heaps of rubbish behind him - Thinking about his greatest weakness

What is Your Weakness? (10 Cases and Good Answers)

  1. “I struggle with time management and often procrastinate on tasks.”


    To remedy weaknesses in time management, you can set clear goals and deadlines for yourself, break larger tasks into smaller chunks, and use tools such as calendars and to-do lists to stay organized.

  2. “I tend to get easily overwhelmed in fast-paced environments.”


    To remedy your tendency to get overwhelmed, you can practice stress-management techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, or meditation.

    Also, learn to prioritize your tasks and ask for help when needed.

  3. “I struggle to delegate tasks and prefer to handle everything myself.”


    To help your difficulty delegating tasks, you can work on building trust with your team members and reminding yourself that delegating tasks can help improve overall productivity.

  4. “I sometimes struggle with being assertive and speaking up in group settings.”


    To resolve the struggle with assertiveness, you can practice active listening and communication techniques, set clear boundaries, and work on building confidence in your abilities.

  5. I can be a bit of a perfectionist and have trouble letting go of things that aren’t perfect.”


    To fix perfectionism, you can set realistic expectations and learn to let go of small mistakes.

  6. “I tend to take on too much at once and struggle with setting boundaries.”


    To tackle tendencies to take on too much at once, set clear boundaries, learn to say “no” when needed, and prioritize your tasks.

  7. “I can be quite shy and struggle to build relationships with new people.”


    To fix shyness, try practicing social skills, joining social or professional groups, and being more open-minded and approachable.

  8. “I tend to be a bit of a workaholic and have trouble disconnecting from my work.”


    To nib in the bud tendencies to be a workaholic, set specific working hours, take breaks, and disconnect from work when necessary.

  9. “I tend to be too critical of myself and others.”


    To nail tendencies to be critical, work on building empathy and be more positive and constructive in your feedback.

  10. “I sometimes struggle with adapting and can resist change.”


    To bury your inability to adapt, try being open-minded, learn to be more flexible, and see the benefits of change.

An Asian hiring manager on orange suit chatting with a job seeker

How to Answer “What are Your Strengths and Weaknesses ?”

The “What is Your Weakness and Strength” question is a classic yet delicate one. To answer it requires strategy; hence, preparing ahead of time for the actual interview is valuable.

Answering this tricky question is all about balance and finesse. However, let’s cut to the chase and delve right into it.

How to answer “What are your strengths?”

This question may (most likely) be asked simply as “What are your strengths?”. However, hiring managers tend to rephrase the question differently.

For example, the interviewer may ask, “What word would your colleagues and manager use to describe you?” or “How would you describe yourself?”

Either way, any question that encourages you to discuss your positive attributes is indirectly asking you to share your strengths. Below are helpful tips to answer this question:

Relate Them To The Job Description

This is the first step in answering this question. The interview is also about the company as it is about you. When sharing your strengths in an interview, it must be in line with what the company needs. To achieve this:

  • Read through the job description
  • Research the company’s culture
  • Visit the website of the organization
  • Go through their social media accounts

You must accustom yourself with what the company is all about, what it stands for, and it’s goals. Know everything there is to know. By relating your strengths to the job, you demonstrate your commitment to the role and your eagerness to contribute to the organization.

After learning about all of this, identify your most relevant strengths in relation to the job requirements and discuss how these strengths can contribute to the organization.

Connect your strengths to the job role in a way that positions you as someone who can advance their goals and solve their problems.

A sikh Indian man backing other office colleagues

Narrow Them Down: Be Specific

We all have numerous strengths and skills that anyone would admire. However, the hiring manager isn’t asking you to do everything for the job. This is why jobs have requirements.

Instead of providing a generic and broad list of your strengths, focus on key strengths and skills that align with the job requirements.

For example, if you say you are proficient in writing, does that mean you are proficient in SEO or copywriting?

Another example is if you claim to have effective communication skills, you should specify if you have public speaking skills, presentation skills, or social media skills where you communicate and engage with the audience.

When you use this approach, you will be able to add more depth and authenticity to your answer and improve your effectiveness as a candidate.

Tell A Story

We’re talking about giving real examples to create an authentic answer and back your claims. As the popular axiom says, ‘Show, don’t tell.’ When answering interview questions, provide examples and tell a story.

Real-life examples make your answer more concrete and contextualize your response. Concepts are better understood when there is a story to provide illustration. Make reference to a time when you achieved something because of your strengths.

For example, if you claim to take feedback or criticism very well, you can tell the hiring manager about a time you used feedback/critique to improve a client presentation to convey complex data.

When you provide examples, it shows interviewers that you are a thoughtful person, and they will appreciate your efforts.

Be Brief

When crafting your answer, keep in mind that it is about quality and not quantity. Instead of chanting a litany of your strengths, identify a couple of strengths and qualities relevant to the job interview.

Being concise will prevent you from spilling unnecessary details and overwhelming the interviewer.

An Indian job seeker in an interview waiting room

How to Answer “What is Your Weakness”

This question comes in different ways  like; What technical skills do you lack?, What parts of the job description do you feel underqualified for? And others.

No matter how the interviewer phrased the question, the underlying message is the same. The following interview tips can help you craft winning responses.

Be Completely Honest: Authenticity Works

This may sound banal or cliché, but it is effective. Claiming to have no weaknesses is an arrogant and conceited thing to do. It might impair your chances. Admitting your greatest weaknesses is tough but worth it.

No employer wants to hire someone who is incapable of self-reflection, recognizing, and acknowledging their weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Recruiters value honesty and they won’t appreciate a generic, humblebrag, and scripted answers.

If you want to impress the interviewer, give a real and relatable weakness. A sincere and honest answer shows your professional maturity and will impress the hiring manager.

The best candidates are those who recognize their shortcomings and are authentic about them.

Cheerful millennial muslim woman

Avoid being cliché

Weaknesses that are guised as strengths must be avoided at all costs. In this context, being cliché means providing overused or insincere weaknesses that do not give a meaningful insight into your self-awareness or growth.

Consider the following examples of overdone and cliché weaknesses:

  • I love working to a fault, and I’m a workaholic
  • I research too much
  • I’m a bit of a perfectionist
  • I think about so many ideas
  • I’m too detail oriented
  • I spend too much time obsessing about my goals

Granted, these weaknesses are true for some, but these answers come off as scripted and disingenuous. A genuine weakness would sound less cliché.

Keep it professional

Remember this is a job interview and not a pep talk. Crafting your responses from a professional approach demonstrates your discretion and emotional intelligence.

While you must provide real weaknesses, you must also avoid oversharing of details of your personal life or making it too personal. Employers have no business knowing about your personal crisis.

For example, a personal weakness may sound like this; “My weakness is that I’m unlucky with people” or “I have trouble getting over depression.

A more reasonable and professional weakness would look like this;

  • My greatest weakness is that I have a hard time delegating tasks
  • I lack communication skills (e.g. public speaking, written communication)
  • I have difficulty working last minute
  • Sometimes, I struggle with self criticism

When you’re professional, you position yourself as someone that can navigate the work environment and align with company’s workplace expectations.

A Cheerful millennial muslim woman working on her laptop

Be Very Specific

This is a basic concept in job interviews. Giving vague or general weaknesses has less impact and may not provide a clear understanding of what you’re saying. For example, you can’t just say “My biggest weakness is that I lack technical skills.”

By technical skills do you mean you lack data analysis skills, computer programming, or problem solving? If you say you ‘lack people skills, do you mean leadership skills, team management skills, or conflict resolution?

When you pinpoint specific weaknesses, you demonstrate that you are very self-aware and give the recruiter a better understanding of your personality.

Further Reading

Show Confidence

It’s not what you say, but how you say it. You might say something that makes sense but how you frame it can change the way it is perceived.

When responding to the “what are your weaknesses” question in job interviews, explain yourself clearly and confidently.

Self-confidence is a currency that many job seekers grapple with and this question can destroy whatever self-confidence you have left. You might even find yourself overly using word fillers or giving unstable and incoherent replies.

As much as you want to get it right, you have to keep your calm and collect your thoughts to avoid doing the opposite. Whatever your answers might be, frame it in a way that doesn’t diminish your overall competence.

For example, you can say “My biggest weakness is that I have trouble with time management. However, I have recognized the areas I need to improve and I am more confident in my ability to manage any task more effectively and meet deadlines.

If you respond or frame your responses this way, you communicate to the recruiter that you are have confidence and a positive attitude towards self-improvement.

Mentally Convert ‘Weakness’ to ‘Challenge’

The word ‘weakness’ implies a more permanent situation than a challenge. When you reframe your words with ‘shortcomings’ or ‘challenge’, you make the situation look more fixable and controllable by removing the injurious sting of “weakness.”

When you rephrase your words (mentally and verbally), you demonstrate that you see obstacles as opportunities to develop strategies for improvement.

This subtle action signals your self-awareness and positive mindset towards transforming your setbacks into stepping stones and a desire for growth.

Pick a Weakness that Doesn’t Relate to the Job

While this approach works for your strengths, it should not be used when talking about your weaknesses. Never tie your weaknesses to the role you are applying for.

Associating your weaknesses with the company and what they want will sabotage your chances.

For example, if the job requirements list communication skills for a sales and marketing role, you shouldn’t say that your greatest weakness is public speaking or effective communication, even if you are actively working to improve it.

Also, if you are applying as a manager’s role, you shouldn’t say that your biggest weakness is time management or missing deadlines, even if it is a real weakness.

The trick is to talk about a weakness that doesn’t negatively impact or directly impair your ability to carry out the core work performance of the role.

For example, if you are applying for a sales and marketing role, you can say that you overly criticize yourself when you can’t close a deal with a customer, but that it motivates you to do better.

Describe your improvement plan

This is an essential step when responding to this question. Ideally speaking, when you point out a problem you should provide a solution.

It applies here too. Show that you recognize your weaknesses and are putting measures in place to work on them.

Explain the steps you are taking or have taken towards overcoming your weaknesses. Taking steps to improve shows that you have the willingness for improvement and a growth mindset.

For example:I know I don’t have much experience with X, but I am a quick learner and am taking physical or online courses to improve myself and learn a new skill to overcome this weakness.

A Nervous black woman on green dress and black suit

Samples of Weaknesses For Job Interviews

Pointing out your weaknesses can be tricky, especially when it comes down to selecting the best weaknesses for a job interview.

Whenever you have trouble recognizing your weaknesses, speak with a friend, family, or someone in your workplace to help you recognize and highlight your weaknesses. They are in a good position to identify your weaknesses.

Below is a list of weaknesses you can use to position yourself as a winning candidate in your interview answer.

  • Blunt communication style when offering feedback
  • Lack of experience
  • Public speaking
  • Self-criticism
  • Not being confident
  • Trouble delegating tasks to teammates and taking on too much workload
  • Managing missed deadlines
  • Maintaining work-life balance
  • Ignoring or unable to handle constructive feedback
  • Inability to set realistic goals when working on projects
  • Being too detail oriented
  • Taking time on tasks or work products and managing deadlines
  • Trouble maintaining a particular work style
  • Terrible at teamwork and working in teams
  • You find it difficult to provide feedback to others
  • Having overly high expectations of others
  • Impulsiveness
  • Low productivity
  • You don’t listen to others
  • Organizing
  • Procrastinating and struggling with time management
  • Making grammatical errors frequently when writing
  • Paying too much time on small details
  • Anxiety
  • Being uncomfortable in meetings
  • Last minute work
  • Making basic math errors
  • Low quality work
  • Unable to focus on one task at a time
  • Overlooking small details
  • Inability to work with vague instructions
  • Being unfamiliar with specific software
  • Slow learning process
  • Extremely introverted or extroverted
  • Impatience
Nervous african woman on green braids.

Sample Answers For “What is Your Weakness” Interview Question

With the tips outlined in this article, below are sample responses you can consider when framing your answer.

Sample Answer 1

Delegation Sample Answer

“My greatest weakness is that I find it difficult and uncomfortable delegating tasks and responsibilities and tend to finish a task myself. Being a team player doesn’t come naturally to me, especially when I have the skills to handle a task myself.

However, in my last job as a manager, I struggled with multitasking and so I had to learn to share responsibilities with my team or colleagues.

To avoid micromanaging and maintain a sense of control when delegating tasks, I implemented a project management system and attended team building workshops This allowed me to follow up with my team, oversee the progress of a project and complete it, and ensure that no deadline was missed.. 

If my team members get in the weeds, I now know the most efficient way to lend a hand. Thanks to this system. I have been able to overcome my weakness and improve my ability to delegate efficiently.”

When you respond this way, you demonstrate your ability to pursue a new skill when a role demands it.

Sample Answer 2

Talkative Sample Answer

I believe it’s important to socialize with my coworkers. I also enjoy developing a mutual relationship with my coworkers by engaging in conversation. Building better work relationships and creating a more welcoming company culture is a great team-building skill.

However, I have a habit of carrying on a conversation to a point where it may distract other coworkers. I would say being talkative is my greatest weakness.

I like to think that it’s a way I reflect my enthusiasm when discussing a favorite topic. But I’ve realized the importance of concise communication. I’ve learned that there are other ways to connect with my colleagues without distracting them or me from working.

I’ve been actively working on improving this weakness by setting a timer on my phone to be aware of time. Ever since I implemented this, I have been able to convey my thoughts more succinctly and effectively.”

Sample Answer 3

Workload sample answer:

“My weakness is that I find it hard to say no to work. As a writer, I thought that doing everything for my clients, whenever the deadline, would impress them. If a client wanted an article the next day, I’d assure them I would deliver, even if I had enough on my plate.

I started working long hours and this affected my work life balance and my attention to detail. Some times I missed deadlines.

My manager brought to my attention how I was doing so many tasks at once that I produced sloppy and low quality work. It was at this point I realized that I had to set boundaries and say ‘no’ or ‘yes, but not immediately.’  

I decided to solve this by inquiring the flexibility of the project timeline and how it fits in my schedule. I made a commitment to maintain a clean schedule.

This helped me to prioritize my work better, set expectations, have enough time to do more work without affecting my overall work performance, and improve my output.”

Sample Answers 4

Fear of presenting sample answer:

“My weakness would probably be presentation. I am very comfortable with one-on-one and small-group communication.

However, I get very nervous when giving presentations in meetings or in large groups. I have identified my need to improve my presentation skills and I am taking steps to overcome this weakness.

I have been taking online tutorials on how to improve my presentation skills and practicing. In addition, I enrolled in a few workshops to brush up on my presentation skills.

I have also been actively seeking opportunities to speak publicly and present in front of people and colleagues both inside and outside work to build my confidence.”

African business woman with mixed gold and black braids


  • Do your homework on your weaknesses and know which one you want to present and how.
  • Prepare your response ahead of time. This is very essential if you really want to impress the recruiter.
  • Practice your answer in front of a mirror or with a friend.
  • Be realistic. 'Nothing' isn't an answer.
  • Be truthful but tactful.
  • Talk about your weaknesses with confidence.
  • While discussing about your weakness, narrate how you struggled with it and the steps you have taken to improve it.
  • Frame your weakness as a “skill you want to improve on” rather than a “failure” or “problem.”
  • Back your claims with examples.
  • Research and understand your weaknesses before presenting them.


  • Don’t draw attention to something you can’t explain how to improve.
  • Refrain from listing flaws or weaknesses that directly relate to the job role.
  • Don't be ambiguous or vague.
  • Don't use scripted answers.
  • Avoid dwelling too long on this question.
  • Don’t fail to make better resumes with our free resume builder (to land even more interviews).
  • Don't focus only on negative aspects; balance with positive actions taken.
  • Avoid using weaknesses that come off as clichés or insincere.
  • Don't share weaknesses unrelated to professional skills or job requirements.

An african lady asking a question in a class


What Is Your Weakness − Best Answer For A Fresher

There is no special way to answer this question as a fresher. However, there are a few details you should not overlook. As a fresher you barely have any relevant work experience. All you have is a degree and, in some cases, a certificate in your profession.

So when discussing your weakness in a job interview, you have point out that you do not have as much experience for the job. However, let the interviewer know why you are a good candidate for the job.

Tell the recruiter how you acquired a skill pertaining to the job. Explain your desire and willingness to learn more and improve. Consider this sample response for someone applying for a marketing role;

“I am not really good with numbers and this is a real weakness. Although basic mathematics is not required for my role as a marketer, I believe in the importance of having a rudimentary understanding of analytics. I also understand that the professional environment requires a different level of efficiency. To tackle this weakness, I’ve been taking courses in data analytics.”

What Is Your Weakness Best Answer

The right way to answer this question is to express your answer in three main parts

  • Your weakness
  • The challenges that come with it
  • Your desire and measures to improve it

An answer like this shows the interviewer that you recognize your areas for growth and are able to take initiative without being told to do so. This self-starter character trait is a plus for any job seeker.

CareerVidz outlines valuable tips on how to answer the “What is Your Weakness?” question in this 12-minute video below:

What Is Your Weakness and How Do You Overcome It?

Your weaknesses are certain areas that can cause you setbacks in your career. Overcoming these weaknesses is very important because it helps you to be more successful throughout your career.

By learning how to improve, targeting areas of deficit, and consistently working towards growth, you will achieve more high-level goals and professional satisfaction.

To conquer your weakness simply:

  • Identify your weakness through self-evaluation, feedback, and reviewing performance metrics
  • See the necessity to improve
  • Outline a plan to improve along with clear expectations
  • Commit to your goals
  • Exercise patience
  • Record your progress
An image of a dry leave tree depicting the stark contrast

Final Thoughts: Own Your Weaknesses and Succeed

The “What Is Your Weakness?” question is not an invitation to showcase your perfections. For an interviewer, knowing your weakness equals knowing your personality and how you are the right candidate.

Admitting your vulnerabilities and explaining how dedicated you are to improve demonstrates your resilience and can impress the interviewer.

Overcoming your weakness is challenging, but with the valuable tips mentioned in this post, you have the golden opportunity to change the narrative.

Don’t let yourself get caught up in the frustration of having weaknesses. No one is perfect, but with this article’s guidance, you can hold a candle near perfection.

So buckle up and focus on the light at the end of the tunnel. See this question as your motivation to acknowledge your weakness and transform it to a strength.

As you keep striving for improvement, you pave the way for development, ultimately converting your weaknesses into stepping stones.

On this note, step into a brighter and more empowered career future with positive energy and a vision towards success.

Best of luck.

Further Reading: How to be a great employee prospect

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