How to find a job you love and unlock your full potential. We’ll talk about that in this article.
Far too many people exchange forty hours a week or more, completing tasks they don’t enjoy in exchange for a paycheck.
The week’s highlight is leaving work on Friday, and the month’s highlight is payday.
Does all your working life need to be like this? Why can’t you find a job doing what you love?
Are you making do with a job that pays your bills, or have you found the job that makes you smile? Do you want to learn how to find a job you love?
If you’re part of the first group, wouldn’t you like to stop counting down the years to retirement?
Considering how much of our lives we spend at work, the amount of people who don’t enjoy their job is shocking.
Indifference to your daily tasks is one thing.
But it’s disappointing to realize that many people dread going to work.
Some people even become physically and mentally ill because of their work. Don’t miss the signs.
If going to work daily is zapping your energy, killing your good humor, or making you ill, it’s time to change.
What’s the best time of year to look for a new job?
Contrary to popular opinion, the build-up to the Christmas holidays and the post-new year’s calm are excellent times to look for a new job.
Along with the shopping chaos, family visits, and festive get-togethers are several opportunities.
Staff parties and end-of-year corporate celebrations are perfect for networking and building your professional community.
Gatherings like these are ideal for meeting potential employers.
Also, most people are generous in this season.
It’s surprisingly easy to make beneficial connections (assuming you’ve practiced your networking skills).
Meanwhile, the busy months before Christmas and new year projects come with job vacancies and training opportunities.
That said, you’ll find openings throughout the year too.
If you know what kind of job you’re looking for, don’t wait until the festive season to start your job hunt.
When you’re focused, there’s no reason you can’t land your choice job.
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How to Find What You Love to Do for Work
Below are our top six suggestions for choosing a career that makes you happy and fits your skills.
Reflect On Your Hobbies
How do you find out what you love to do?
What you choose to do in your free time should offer some guidance.
Do you spend weekends reading, writing stories, traveling, or socializing?
There’s no reason the things you like doing outside of work should be separate from how you earn a living.
Top Tip
If you no longer know your hobbies, consider what you liked doing in childhood.
Many of our passions begin in our early years and stay with us in adulthood.
Consider Your Strongest Skills
How do you find a job you love?
Aside from reflecting on what you like doing, think about what you’re good at.
Are you an excellent organizer?
Could you make a career you love as an events planner, virtual assistant, or manager?
Are you inventive and thriving in a creative environment?
Are you a computer guru or a technophobe?
Do you work best independently or prefer to collaborate with co-workers?
Top Tip
Remember that your strengths aren’t necessarily what you’ve trained for at university or in your current job.
Be aware that finding a job that you love may require some compromises.
If you find a job you love, it might bite into your family and social life.
You may need to relocate, work occasional weekends, or commute.
Knowing what you’re willing to give up and what you’re not should narrow your job search.
For example, a young graduate may be willing to work evenings and weekends in exchange for a job they enjoy.
Meanwhile, parents of young kids may not want to commute to an office five days a week.
For this reason, it helps to make a list of priorities.
Understand What You Like About Your Current Job
Hopefully, you don’t hate everything about your current job.
Understanding the pros and cons can help guide you toward your future career.
For example, if you dislike working with many people, you’ll know to search for a job where you’ll be part of a small team.
If working in an office limits your time with family, you’ll know to look for remote or flexible working opportunities.
Likewise, if the favorite part of your job is practical work, don’t look for a computer-based job.
Top Tip
When finding a job that you love, take some time to understand what you like and dislike about your current job.
Be Prepared for a Pay Cut
Most people agree that working is to earn a living but let’s look at work differently.
Suppose working is to make enough money to meet your needs rather than as much money as possible.
Of course, you still want a wage you can comfortably live on.
But, if you’re willing to look beyond salary, it will open many more doors.
Having some savings in the bank will help with this step.
Talk to a Career Coach
When you’re stuck in an unfulfilling job and don’t know how to find a job you love, it’s time to talk to an expert.
Career coaches specialize in helping people find the proper employment for their personality, skills, and financial needs.
A few sessions with an experienced career coach could help you find a job you enjoy faster.
Be Creative to Find a Job You Love
Finding a job that you love isn’t always straightforward.
The perfect job for you may not be on the best job search websites.
You may not have the proper skill set for your dream position or lack relevant work experience.
None of these examples is a reason to abandon finding a career you love.
However, you might need to be a bit more creative.
Instead of searching on job websites, contact companies and other professionals on LinkedIn.
Look for work experience in a related field or take an entry-level role until you’ve got the skills and expertise you need.
Suppose you’re waiting to be called for an interview.
Why not contact the company and express your enthusiasm and contact information?
When you need to learn new job skills, why not enroll in a part-time course before leaving your current job?
Alternatively, when your dream job doesn’t exist, consider creating it.
Career changers who proactively shaped their futures started some of the best companies and projects.
How to Find a Job You Love
It’s important to remember that if you find a job that you love, not every day will be plain sailing.
Struggles will crop up but find a job doing what you love, and it will be worth it.
Now you know how to find a job you love; there’s no point waiting.
Job opportunities are everywhere.
You only need to know what to look for and be brave enough to go for it.
As a job seeker, the festive season is a lucrative time to start a job hunt.
But if your current job is getting you down, start the search as soon as possible.
Want to get the job you love? Then, create your resume using our hacks on how to write a resume like a guru.
The CV Jury team is here to help you find a job you like and advance your career.
Visit our Job Finding Blog for more valuable insights, or Sign Up for advice on CV writing, interview techniques, and more.
Further Reading: Finding a Career That You Love