Your future career success is dependent on your preparation. Knowing how to prepare for a new career will make it much more manageable.
If you are unsure of what career path to follow, seek help!
It’s better to ask for support than to grope in the dark for ages.
How To Overcome Being New In The Job Market
Finding your first job following graduation won’t be so frustrating and time-consuming if you know how to prepare for your future career.
Young graduates’ challenges often result from needing more knowledge to prepare for a career.
And, what’s more, many fresh graduates cannot choose the right career path.
Having technical ability or skills is insufficient to move up the career ladder.
The key things that impact your career journey are the right career choice and preparing for career opportunities.
Of course, there are several factors to consider when choosing the right path, depending on your skill set, knowledge, and abilities.
You must ensure that every career step you take aligns with your career plan in the long run.
Most graduates choose careers that align the best with their field of study or talents.
It is easier for some who already have “noticeable” talents than others who may need to look within to discover theirs.
The best advice is not to do it alone.
If you are unsure of what career path to follow, seek help.
The issue many young graduates struggle with today is a lack of mentorship.
But that shouldn’t be a problem; you can speak to career experts and coaches.
With a career expert to guide your job search, it saves you time, energy, and money.
How To Prepare For A New Career
Here are some key things to consider:
1. Developing Employability Skills
Being brilliant doesn’t cut it!
Lacking employability skills becomes a barrier to building a sustainable career.
These skills help you seamlessly transition from university to the workplace.
Getting employability training is, therefore, imperative.
2. Giving Up Easily
Yes, we live in the tech age, where almost all information is at one’s fingertips – the age of instant gratification.
So, any tendency to give up easily is understandable. But then giving up is for losers, not winners.
A strong will and determination to succeed should lead you despite the need to get what you want when you want it.
Don’t relent because all the hundreds of NOs won’t matter when that one YES arrives.
It is all worth it.
3. Shying Away From Challenges
Every one of us loves our comfort zone.
That’s why it is called a comfort zone, right?
But that can be the undoing of many of us, especially young graduates.
If there’s any best time to try something and fail, it is when you are young.
The problem with many graduates and students about to graduate is that they want a secure career.
That’s not a bad thing to want. Who doesn’t?
But when that desire makes you unwilling to accept challenges in the real world, it becomes detrimental to you.
Remember, the goal is not to land the perfect job upon graduation but to discover yourself in a progressive career environment.
4. Using A “One-Fits-All” Resume
One of the ways to “Not Look” for a job is by not presenting a tailored resume.
Your resume is how a company can judge your potential, skills, knowledge, and abilities.
For similar jobs at various companies, you might be tempted to simply make copies of your résumé and cover letter.
But don’t! Managers know when a résumé is a cookie-cutter résumé.
Creating a résumé for each job you apply to will avoid that problem.
Customized resumes allow you to highlight the skills and abilities most relevant for a given job.
5. Scared To Negotiate
One mistake students make during job negotiations is not asking for their desired salary.
Instead, they accept an offer below what they deserve.
Here’s the surprising thing that happens when you counter a salary offer.
It shows you know your worth and what you bring to the table. Employers want that.
One mistake can result in missed opportunities for future growth.
So, avoid the ones we outline above.
Discover more about careers, jobs and employability.
Top Tips To Prepare For A New Career
- Do your homework. Research positions, companies, and industries that interest you or subjects you want to pursue more in-depth.
- Start networking now while university still has some regular life about it. You never know who might have good connections with an employer who could help.
- Check out LinkedIn for any alum listings from schools you’ve attended.
As employment experts, your resume should tell a story of what you can accomplish.
Your resume should highlight happy accomplishments, critical successes, and future potential.
Your goal should be more than just to deliver facts about who you are and what you have done.
But instead, to tell a story in which employers eagerly anticipate the next chapter.
Keep Reading
- Click here for more articles on career, jobs, and employability
- How to write a resume like a guru