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How to impress your job interviewer (Get the job, make more money)

How To Impress Your Job Interviewer

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First impressions are essential. They can differentiate between getting the position and continuing the job hunt, even if your CV says you’re the perfect candidate.

If you’re wondering how to succeed in an interview to get a job, this article should be exciting.

You must impress the interviewer and stand out from other candidates for interview success.

And the best way to impress your interviewer is to answer their questions interestingly, fluently, and effectively.

We also recommend that you ask the right questions in an interview.

To help you succeed in your next interview, we’ll discuss the best way to answer five common interview questions.

In today’s competitive marketplace, getting the job means standing out from the waves of other candidates. 

You need to be memorable and make a lasting impression to do that. 

That’s how to succeed in an interview for a job.

When you know what and how to say it, making a great impression in an interview isn’t so hard.

Remember, an interview is an opportunity to sell yourself.

This article will teach you how to impress your interviewer with the answers to five common interview questions.

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Like pitching a business proposal, most job interviews boil down to two key factors. 

What value you’re offering, and whether your pitch makes a lasting impression.

That’s why mastering first impressions is essential to succeed in an interview. 

Creating a lasting impression can be all it takes to get a call-back. 

Learning how to impress an interviewer is an essential interview technique.

There are many tips to impress in an interview, but following our top tips should help you get the job you deserve.


Employers want to hire a person rather than a CV. 

So, don’t be afraid to let your personality shine, and include humor in your answers if appropriate.

Expert Tips for a Successful Interview: Questions & Answers

If you want to impress an interviewer, the best way to do it is to answer the following five questions effectively.

What do we mean by ‘effectively’?

The best answers to these interview questions will show your skill and prove that you have done your research.

However, they also provide a point of reference that helps interviewers when it is time to recall the top candidates.

Let’s get started.

1. Can you walk me through your resume?

When interviewers want you to walk them through your resume, they’re not asking you to recite the contents on the page. 

They want you to bring it to life. 

They want to know that the person on paper is the person sitting in front of them.

We recommend starting with your resume’s profile summary section to answer this question and have a successful interview. 

You can say something like:

“Looking at my experiences, you’ll see I know how to handle sensitive situations …etc.”

Remember to showcase your skills and experience by making them an exciting story about yourself. 

Tailor your answer to address the role you are interviewing for and what you can offer.

Of course, your answer still needs to be brief and relevant. 

It’s a delicate balance between embellishing your resume with exciting stories and straying off-topic.

2. Why should we hire you?

Unfortunately, there’s no escaping this interview question. 

Employers want to know why they should take a chance on you. 

Your answer should persuade them that you’re worth the risk.

Start by talking about your enthusiasm for the role described. 

But also explain how your skills will benefit the company.

You might also want to explain why the job is an ideal opportunity for you to grow professionally or personally.


Practice answering this question at home. 

Consider how your skills, experience, and passion solve current or future problems.

3. Why do you want to work here?

This question is asking; do you want to work for this company, or are you just looking for a job? 

Like the two questions above, giving an excellent answer to this question requires preparation.

You need to know a little about the company you’re applying for.

Research its challenges, accomplishments, and ethics and how they link to your goals and beliefs. 

Use the question to say why you choose the role best.

For example, you might say:

‘I know your company is at the top of this industry. 

As an aspiring professional, I am eager to learn from the best. 

I know you offer employee training programs and would be keen to learn the skills needed to make this company even better.’

Or, you might say:

‘I know your company is at the top of this industry. 

As an aspiring professional, I am eager to learn from the best. 

I know you offer training programs for new employees and would be keen to apply myself to learning the skills needed to improve this company.’

Aside from researching the company, you need to read the job description and incorporate the specifics into your answer. 

It could be that the job requirements meet your skills exactly, and that’s why the job appeals to you. 

It might be that the employer offers flexible working hours or training schemes.

Try to find a genuine reason that you want to work for that company. 

Then combine the benefit to you with the value you can offer them. 

Employers know that they’re more likely to retain employees who feel happy and valued, so there’s no need to hide personal reasons.

4. Can you explain a recent challenge and how you overcame it?

Interviewers use this behavior-based interview question to assess their problem-solving skills.

In other words, how well do you cope with work pressure?

How do you answer this question for interview success?

First, use an exciting but relevant example. 

It could be a disagreement, an awkward situation, or a stressful period. 

You might think of a time when someone pushed you to meet deadlines at work or university.

Or perhaps you had an unpleasant interaction with an unhappy customer or co-worker.


Set the scene so that the interviewer understands what challenge you were faced with, then describe how your actions provided a solution.

5. Do you have any questions for us?

Many people forget to ask questions in an interview. You could ask many generic questions that won’t impress the interviewer.

Moreover, asking questions with obvious answers might hurt your chances of getting the job.

However, asking an insightful question is one of the best ways to impress in an interview.

You might find that questions stem from your research of the company. Alternatively, it might arise from the interview conversation. Either way, aim to come to the interview with at least two questions you prepared.

How does the company or relevant department cope with challenges? Another route is to ask about the company’s history; how it came to be successful.

Everybody likes talking about their accomplishment, creating a friendly atmosphere for you to end the interview.

Below, we’ve listed a selection of questions you could ask in an interview.

Best Questions to Ask in an Interview

  1. If you offered me the job and I accepted it, what could I do to make your life easier?
  2. What type of people work best with you, and what is your management style?
  3. Do you have any issues with hiring me?
  4. What are the next steps in this process?

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How to Succeed in an Interview

You may have noticed that we’ve emphasized combining personal stories and skills to answer any of the abovementioned questions.

Remember, the goal is to make a positive impression on the interviewer. That means allowing your personality to stand out.

Ultimately, there’s no better way of making an impression than telling a captivating story.

Visit the CVJury Blog for more helpful interview tips or general job-finding advice.

Keep Reading For hot tips on how to succeed in an interview

Best interview guidelines

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