Job seekers face various challenges, and you will likely encounter them too. Most of these challenges are unanticipated. Yet, you could still maneuver through the process with the right employability plan.
Networking, online presence, and impressive resumes can help you land your dream job.
If I were to give you a secret, have an employability coach by your side.
You can achieve your dream career but must first set your priorities.
The first step is to create an employability plan.
You should consider being specific about the industry to work in, the deadline to achieve your goal, and how to meet objectives.
Besides that, be passionate about the job-hunting process.
So, engage in a professional development course.
These courses help improve your knowledge in specific industries.
They ensure that you are up-to-date with market trends and changes.
How about you also try these aspects during this pursuit?
- Understand your strengths and maximize on them
- Aim at what makes you happy, as you need a job that you love
- Refresh your resume, embracing a more professional appeal
- Visit a career center to get a few insights into the industry’s outlook
- Build a career list and do a background check on each option you have
- Enlist your short and long-term goals
Is There Something You Need to Do Before Graduation?
Yes. If you do not lay the proper foundation, you will likely miss out on jobs after graduation.
Eight critical things need to happen while you are still at the university.
An employability plan is one of the most vital aspects at this time.
Did you know an employability plan captures your career goals and how to meet them?
It also includes the attributes you need to either gain or maintain employment.
Understandably, not everyone remembers to have these employability plans.
But that is not the end of everything. Various employability strategies are at your disposal.
These strategies ensure that you shorten your job-hunting period.
With the following eight aspects, you have no reason to worry.
1. What Job Do You Want?
It would be best to identify what you want to do quite early.
This move ensures you have enough skills to stand out in your preferred industry.
If you were to consider this, you would reduce the chances of getting frustrated or stranded.
Your academic course might not necessarily fetch you a real-world job.
For instance, you may have studied economics, yet your passion is in digital marketing.
In this case, the best role to take would be in digital marketing.
Take time to learn the intricacies of this industry, ensuring that you give your best when hired.
Further, be sure of what job you want.
An excellent answer captures the exact role or department you could thrive in.
Avoid saying you can do any job offered.
Further Reading
- What is a ‘real-world’ job role?
- Read our resume builder article
- Job referrals best practices
- How to find a job
2. Embrace Effective Networking
Without a doubt, you want more job referrals! Effective networking helps you with this.
Ensure that your employability plan includes how you get referrals.
Also, how you will build your professional network.
While responding to job adverts forms about 20% of your job strategy, tactful networking improves your chances by up to 80%.
With excellent networking skills, landing your dream job could be easier than you think.
Keep Reading
- How to Connect on LinkedIn Effectively
- How to Get Job Referrals
- How to write a resume like a pro
3. Create A Reliable Employability Plan
Employment is like a business.
It would help to have an adequately documented plan for achieving different goals.
Ensure that you have a comprehensive employability plan capturing each critical strategy.
4. Spruce Up Your CV
Writing an interview-winning, professional CV is the best investment you could ever make.
It adds the wow factor to your job search.
It would also be invaluable to have an excellent cover letter.
You could also consider alternative views on cover letter writing from David Silverman.
Most experts suggest you go through assessment centers for the best insights into this.
Read More
Acing Assessment Centres: The Dos and Don'ts
5. Focus on your LinkedIn Profile
An excellent profile highlights credibility and establishes you as a trustworthy employee.
Notably, impressive profiles improve your chances of getting hired or landing a client.
This platform also helps improve your professional networks.
Yet, if you need help creating an appealing LinkedIn profile, consult CVJury for more insights.
Continue Reading
12 Pro-Tips For A Professional-Looking LinkedIn Profile
6. Problem-Solving Strategy
Have you ever thought about your problem-solving skills or strategies?
It is always best to understand how to identify problems and solve them.
Experts would suggest that you research problems and provide solutions.
Then write your solutions in a brief commercial paper.
Whether or not you have experience in the related industry, researching can help improve your credibility and skills.
Read More
- Find A Key Problem In Your Job Search Sector And Proffer Solutions Pt. 1
- Video explaining how the hidden job market works
7. The Hidden Job Market
The hidden job market provides you with an excellent hunting field.
While this hidden job market boasts over 80% of employment opportunities, few candidates know it.
This market requires that you remain persistent yet polite.
You do not need to wait for a vacancy ad before you send in your applications.
Besides, it would be best if you researched the industry enough.
Find more information about the hidden job market here.
Further Reading
How To Find Any Job In The Hidden Job Market
8. The 30-60-90-Day Plan
The 30-60-90-day plan (strategy) helps ace your job interview.
It highlights your job description and a step-by-step action plan.
It also indicates what value you will add to the chosen organization.
If you have an actionable plan, appealing to potential clients and employers will be easy.
Read more about this plan here.
In conclusion, your job-hunting success depends on how strategic you are.
Have a clear plan and set out your objectives right from the onset.
Besides, starting the process on time could improve your chances of landing a job.
You could request our guide, which highlights all the possible solutions.
With this, you are likely to land your dream job more quickly.
Get quality knowledge, information, and guidance at CVJury.