Resume accomplishments (With 90+ Work Accomplishment Examples)

Resume accomplishments
Table Of Contents


    • Having achievements in your resume helps it stand out and shows how valuable you can be to employers.
    • You can mention your achievements in different sections of your resume like work history, a summary at the top, or a special section for awards.
    • Some achievements are about numbers and specific results, while others are about the quality of what you did
    • Ensure your achievements match what the job ad is asking for
    • Start descriptions of your achievements with verbs that show action to make them stronger.
    • When writing about your achievements, use the PAR or STAR method to explain the problem you faced, the action you took, and the result of that action.
    • Use numbers and percentages to show how significant your achievements are.
    • Mention any tools or programs you used to help you achieve your goals.
    • Include details such as timelines, the scope of the project, and the outcomes to give more context to your achievements.
    • Don’t include achievements that are outdated, too personal, exaggerated, or might give away confidential information.

    The Power of Resume Accomplishments

    Make it impossible for recruiters to ignore you.

    It’s another day in your job search journey and you’re dutifully putting the pieces together in your resume. From your resume summary to your work experience, you feel you have every box checked.

    But hold on a second! What about your resume accomplishments section?

    Before you paste your resume on that job application, glance through your resume and see if you have adequately highlighted your accomplishments.

    Most job seekers embellish their resume with their work experience, job duties, and the years they have worked in the said role. These are all important but they are not enough to make you stand out in the application pool.

    The hiring manager wants to see what you have accomplished. Hiring managers and recruiters already know your job responsibilities because they wrote the job description. But, they do not know your accomplishments and that is what you should focus on.

    Imagine you’re a hiring manager looking for a sales associate. Which of the following statements will make you hire the person?

    • I maintain sales records for inventory control
    • I exceeded sales KPIs by XX% for June, July, and August in 20XX.

    You’ll probably hire the second. This is because the first one just mentions the job duty of a sales associate, which doesn’t say much about the candidate at all. The hiring manager will never know if they hit or exceeded KPIs or had an exceptional performance in their department.

    However, the second one tells the recruiter that he or she is a top performer. It tells you “Look what I did for my past company. Imagine what I could do for you.”

    So, if you want to stay ahead of the curve, you should list your accomplishments and share your professional achievements.

    This article will cover where to list your accomplishments and how to list accomplishmentswith examples. We’ll show you why and how presenting your accomplishments makes all the difference in getting noticed by hiring managers.

    Resume accomplishments 1

    Why are Resume Accomplishments Important?

    Every resume includes a plethora of job responsibilities in previous roles. However, your work experience, skills, and job responsibilities or duties are not enough to make your resume stand out from that of other candidates.


    Because you are not the only qualified applicant applying for the job opening. There are other applicants with the same (or more) experience and skills required in the job description.

    However, your achievements and accomplishments are uniquely yours. They prove your skills and show how well you performed at your previous job. Your resume accomplishments could be customer satisfaction, process improvements, or creating a company culture initiative.

    When you list accomplishments on your resume, you are demonstrating the value you will bring if hired. Listing accomplishments on a resume will help you score bonus points by illuminating your strengths and experiences.

    The hiring manager wants to see what you bring to the table. So, instead of listing job duties only, diligently emphasize your past achievements and relevant accomplishments.

    As the old saying goes, “Show, don’t tell”.

    Where Can You List Your Resume Accomplishments?

    Ideally, you should have a resume accomplishments section. However, you can sprinkle your accomplishments on your resume across other sections like:

    • Work experience section
    • Resume summary
    • Accomplishment section
    • Optional sections like awards, volunteer experience, certificates, projects, and skills

    Work Experience Section

    Your work experience section is the best place to list accomplishments on your resume. Listing achievements in your work history conveniently adds more flavor to your mundane job duties.

    Employers already know what your day-to-day responsibilities involve. Therefore, the aim is to turn job responsibilities into resume accomplishments.

    You can include your work accomplishments in your work history by listing them in bullet points like your responsibilities.

    Consider the following work accomplishment examples:

    Professional Experience

    Beverly Shaw Image Consulting Agency, Orlando, FL

    Fashion Public Relations Intern

    August 20xx ─ July 20xx

    • Selected out of 3 interns to deliver styling advice as part of the high-profile event for 450 socialites. Won first position.
    • Sought out new business opportunities and partnerships for fashion consultancy, re-engaging with the audience after a 1-year gap, bringing back 79 clients.
    • Researched, targeted, and identified 124 local events and drafted and disseminated proposal letters to introduce services, winning 63 customers.
    • Developed promotional campaigns, pitch sheets, and press kits using InDesign with the winner’s final ads.

    DIRECTOR OF SALES May 20xx−Present

    Records Management Company, New Delhi, India

    Strategic Sales Planning Experience

    • Developed and executed a comprehensive sales strategy that targeted Fortune 500 companies, resulting in a 25% increase in annual sales revenue.
    • Leveraged Salesforce CRM to track sales performance and identify areas for improvement, leading to a 15% increase in sales efficiency across the team.
    • Organized quarterly sales forecasting meetings, using advanced analytics tools to predict market trends and adjust sales tactics accordingly, enhancing forecast accuracy by 30%.

    Resume Summary

    Putting your accomplishments in a resume summary is also a good way to demonstrate your performance in your previous job.

    A resume summary is the first section on your resume that is usually next to or after your contact information and job title. It is a short paragraph that summarizes your career path and highlights your professional accomplishments. Here is an example:


    It is the first part of your resume that prospective employers will read, making it a good place to show what you have accomplished.

    Now, a resume summary should be kept short. This means that all you have accomplished throughout your career won’t be able to fit in the summary alone. But don’t worry! You can always add them to other sections in your resume.

    So, stick to one or two relevant accomplishments and avoid going into many details. We understand you want to impress your potential employer. However, a lengthy summary will only tire them out.

    Here are some examples of accomplishments on a resume summary:

    Public Relations & Communications Analyst Summary

    • Dedicated and creative new professional with an eye for detail, poised to excel in the communications field. Proven track record as a social media innovator, gaining loyal followers and building brands to boost company profits.
    • A strategic communicator who successfully pitched stories and ideas to bloggers and journalists. Confident public speaker spurring others to action. Impeccable organizer for high-profile events. Publisher of articles circulated to 40K+ students within the campus community through social media tools.

    Sales Executive Summary

    • Tenacious revenue generator, #1 in the nation 2 years in a row, by aggressively developing a continual pipeline of new clients and quickly surpassing sales targets.
    • Well-versed specialist in Salesforce, Solution Selling, Microsoft CRM, SAP, Strategic Relationship Building, Situational Fluency, Business Development, Market Expansion, Territory Development, and Account Management.
    • Ranked #1 sales producer in the US with my Records Management Company. Boosted sales from zero to $1.2M in 18 months. Built client base valued at $19.7M. Was 8-time President’s Club Winner. Counted in the top three of company sales metrics.

    Project Manager Summary

    Experienced project manager with 4 years of experience delivering projects on time and within budget. Managed a team of 20+ people. Expert in project planning and resource allocation. Successfully streamlined processes, resulting in a 20% increase in project efficiency. Proven ability to foster collaboration and adapt to changing project requirements, leading to a 15% improvement in stakeholder satisfaction. Ready to drive impactful results in a new project management role.

    Resume accomplishments 2

    Accomplishment Section

    If you have other impressive accomplishments beyond your work or are a senior in your career, you can dedicate an accomplishments section for your career highlights.

    Optional Sections like Volunteer Experience, Certificates, Projects, Skills, Awards, and Accomplishments Resume Section

    These sections can also suffice for your key achievements, especially if you have hard (and verifiable) data. If you have academic awards or several work certificates, list the name and the year you had them.

    The award (s), certificates, and projects sections are great outlets to brag about yourself. They could be work, educational, or academic achievements.

    You can even spice things up by listing achievements that relate to your hobbies. For example, if you like volunteering or learning languages, you can share how you raised a large amount of money for a cause or any language certificates you have.

    Resume accomplishments 3

    Which Accomplishments Should Be Included In Your Resume?

    The accomplishments on your resume should be the ones that align with the company (s) and job description.

    It is unnecessary to mention all the achievements you’ve gained from your past roles. Instead, select your most relevant and impressive accomplishments and skillfully highlight them in your resume.

    Volunteer or personal accomplishments can be included in your resume only if they are relevant. For example, organizing a charity event in your community or raising funds for a non-profit organization can showcase your leadership qualities.

    When you list such accomplishments on your resume alongside other relevant ones, it gives managers more detail about your soft skills and how they can benefit them.

    Quantitative And Qualitative Resume Accomplishments

    There are two ways you can present your resume accomplishments. You can either quantify them or qualify them. Every job is measurable by quantitative and qualitative resume accomplishments.

    Quantitative accomplishments are numerically or statistically measured using hard numbers and data. In other words, they are measurable achievements like annual revenue growth percentages, sales figures, the number of clients you’ve worked with, a boost in company productivity, the number of new customers you acquired in the first quarter, or project completion times.

    Because quantitative accomplishments use concrete evidence to highlight tangible results and build credibility, they make your resume more powerful and impactful.

    work profile

    On the other hand, qualitative accomplishments measure your accomplishments using quality, impact, or recognition. They have no specific metric by which they can be measured.

    Qualitative accomplishments are not easily quantifiable but are very handy if you don’t have concrete numbers. They are especially useful for recent graduates or junior/entry-level workers who have no hard figures to show.

    But, what do qualitative accomplishments look like? How can you write a qualitative accomplishment?

    Walk with us.

    Writing qualitative accomplishments requires brainstorming and skill. When writing qualitative accomplishments, ask yourself the following questions:

    • Did you improve employee retention and productivity as an HR manager?
    • How well did you manage resources and what were the results?
    • As someone in sales (either as an intern or employee) did you significantly enhance client or customer satisfaction?
    • As a social media manager, how well did you improve customer engagement?
    • Were you a better performer than your team members?
    • Did you participate in any projects and implement successful initiatives?
    • What project(s) have you managed?
    • Did you receive any awards in your previous company as a top performer?

    These are just examples, but they give you a picture of qualitative accomplishments. Here are more examples:

    Resume accomplishments in work experience section

    Quantitative and qualitative resume accomplishments are equally important for highlighting your professional achievements. Both provide tangible results of your performance.

    Still wondering how to communicate value in your CV or resume, keep reading.

    Resume accomplishments 4

    How Do Accomplishment Statements Add Value To My CV/Resume?

    Having a good CV is not enough. The inclusion of career and work accomplishment statements is essential. They will add more value for hiring managers than presenting a dry biography.

    What are accomplishment statements?

    Accomplishment statements show that you can achieve results. They demonstrate transferable skills and professional competencies. Also, they show that you are a good fit for the position.

    How do you write an accomplishment statement?

    A good accomplishment statement has three parts:

    • Action verb
    • Project
    • Positive outcome

    Measurable employment accomplishments are best quantified by time, money, or level of improvement. Consider using bullet points to highlight work accomplishments and highlight them in a notable accomplishments section.

    Accomplishment Examples

    1. Business Development Manager

    • Surpassed partner development sign-up goals by 25% in Q1 20XX.

    2. Strategic Business Manager

    • Guided sales team through a complex restructuring process, resulting in an increase of 25% in sales revenue.

    3. HRIS Analyst

    • Conducted in-depth research into employee satisfaction and successfully reduced the turnover of employees by 25%.

    Adding Value to Your CV or Resume

    Working on your resume is a critical task. Providing relevant, engaging information with accomplishment statements is how to get interviews. When you create your CV, don’t ask, “What can this job do for me?”.  Instead, ask yourself, “, What can I do for this company?”

    You can best answer this question after doing some research. Visit the company’s website and learn more about the position. Then you can focus on the value you can bring. Discover the answer to this question, and you can make an excellent start on your CV.

    Top Skills That Communicate Value In Your CV 

    What transferable skills add value to your CV?

    Below are some skills that could transfer to most jobs you apply for.

    • Accounting skills
    • Active Listening
    • Collaboration
    • Communication
    • Critical Thinking
    • Customer Service
    • Decision Making
    • Empathy
    • Language Skills
    • Leadership Skills
    • Management
    • Problem-Solving
    • Public Speaking
    • Teamwork Skills

    There are 268 soft skills every job seeker can discuss soft skills every job seeker can shout about in their CV.



    Comprehensive job interview guide: Research thoroughly, communicate effectively, and follow up to enhance your hiring chances.

    If you don’t have anything related, the soft skills will get you on the “yes” pile. The interview, nonetheless, depends on your presentation. Remember that most of these skills are soft skills unrelated to any unique industry. Therefore, you can easily connect them to your previous professional experience.

    However, most applicants will use these soft skills in their CVs to boost their value. So, to be outstanding, including some (non-transferable) hard skills related to the exact position you are applying for is crucial.

    other job types

    How To Write Resume Accomplishments That Will Wow Hiring Managers

    Writing accomplishments on your resume needs tact. Just like many other things, there is a right and wrong way to write resume accomplishments.

    Here are some tips to help you craft a resume accomplishment that will wow recruiters:

    Read The Job Description And Choose The Right Accomplishments To Highlight

    Critically examine the job description of the role you’re applying for to know the right accomplishment to highlight. You may have many stellar achievements that can wow any recruiter. However, the recruiter won’t be so impressed if your accomplishments have no relation to the position you’re applying for.

    Compile a list of your skillset, experiences, and strengths that align with the role you are applying for. Now, brainstorm on the accomplishments that embody all of these and narrow them down.

    If the details elude you, think about your daily operations. Did you overcome a challenge? Did you streamline a process to improve effectiveness? What strategies did you implement?

    What were the things you managed? Were you responsible for a social media account? Did you significantly increase the follower count? How many social media followers did you get in six months? How many posts did you schedule?

    If you met or exceeded any of these milestones (and others), then you have an accomplishment.

    Include Related Job Positions

    After your resume summary at the beginning, include related job positions. Ensure they are the ones you have relevant and extensive industry experience in. Make sure the job titles have the correct format and are visible. This way, the human resources staff will see what they are looking for at a glance.

    For example, list the most relevant skills and experiences if you apply to a financial management company. That way, the hiring manager sees immediately that you are worth considering.

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      Include A Career Summary Statement 

      Underneath the job description’s eye-catching heading, you must add a career summary. Avoid the common mistake that many recent graduate job applicants make. That is, overloading their CV with text. Long sections are not appealing and hiring managers never take the time to read them.

      Keep it short and straightforward. Ensure you include as many similar duties as possible. Describe your career from an overview perspective without including everything. Critical content related to the job you are applying for will communicate the most value to the recruiter.

      All this will immediately add more value to your resume, and you will double your chances of winning job interviews.

      See career summary examples in CVJURY’s resume templates.

      Use Action Verbs

      Language is an important aspect of your resume. Remember, it’s not what you say but how you say it. Your choice of language can make or mar your resume in many ways.

      Each bullet point in a resume typically begins with a verb. Verbs are very important in conveying actions. Using action verbs adds more clarity and power to your achievements.

      Therefore, generously garnish your resume with strong and descriptive action verbs and occasionally change the first words of every line.

      Here are some examples of action verbs you can use:

      • Improved
      • Managed
      • Oversaw
      • Enhanced
      • Developed
      • Exceeded
      • Surpassed
      • Created
      • Completed
      • Maintained
      • Organized
      • Established
      • Optimized
      • Implemented
      • Contributed
      • Prepared
      • Led

      Justify Your Experience Using The STAR or PAR Technique

      Another crucial step in your job application is paying close attention to justifying your professional experience with results. List previous outstanding performance evaluations in the work experience section.

      Doing this will instantly add value to your CV. The recruiter will see critical achievements and results, not just dry statements. Recruiters are not just looking for someone who can do the tasks. They’ll never invite you to job interviews if your CV doesn’t provide what they’re looking for in the ideal candidate.

      Also, you can justify your experience using either the STAR or Par technique.

      When using the PAR (Problem-Action-Result) technique, think about the actions you took to overcome a challenge and create an achievement. You must link your actions to the problem and then share the results of the problem you solved.

      For example:

      The Problem:

      “I was a Lead sales manager at my previous company and during my time there, I noticed that our customer relationship management (CRM) software was outdated. This hindered sales productivity, resulting in data silos and inefficient sales processes.

      The Action:

      So, I created, evaluated, and implemented a new cloud-based CRM system to coordinate cross-functional team members and ensure a smooth transition.

      The Result:

      This initiative streamlined our sales operations. It reduced data entry time by 25% and increased team productivity by 18%, contributing to a 12% year-over-year increase in revenue.”

      Therefore, your resume accomplishment will be:

      “Implemented new cloud CRM system, streamlining sales operations and increasing revenue 12% year-over-year through reduced data entry and 18% higher productivity.”

      The STAR (Situation- Task- Action- Results) method is very similar to the PAR method. The only difference is that it is a four-part technique for answering interview questions.

      CV Accomplishment Statements

      Customize The Skills Section 

      You can add value to your CV and stand out in the skills section. Many recruiters are now using bots to filter only resumes containing keywords they listed in the job description. For instance, these keywords could be communication, leadership skills, management, attention to detail, and more.

      You can easily ensure that the filtering software won’t skip your resume by adding some required skills. If you skip this step, your CV will likely end up in the “no” pile. Only include skills that you can justify with professional experience.

      Embellishing your abilities might get you an interview.  It could, however, lose you the job.

      Dr Ita John talked about how your hard and soft skills are crucial in a resume/CV in his LinkedIn post.

      Don’t Forget To Add Numbers

      When it comes to writing achievements, numbers are your best friends. Numbers provide concrete evidence to your claims and make them less ambiguous.

      Without them, your claims will simply be claims and nothing more. You could paint the most graphic image of your accomplishments and still leave the recruiter wondering, ‘So?’

      So, show them the numbers. Use numbers to quantify your accomplishments and add scale. You can do this by mentioning:

      • The KPIs you hit
      • How much money you generated or saved
      • The number of clients or stakeholders you managed
      • The time frame and frequency of a project

      How many projects did you deliver ahead of schedule? Did you save company costs by 25% or 40%? Did you increase employee productivity by 30% in three months? These are just examples of how to quantify your achievements with numbers.

      If you’re not sure of the number or figures, give an approximation, maximum, or minimum.

      In the six-minute video above, Jeff Su discusses how not adding numbers is one of the biggest mistakes found on resumes.




      Succeed in job hunting with targeted resumes, strategic networking, and thorough preparation to get the job.


      Successfully start a new job by engaging positively, seeking help, and showing initiative and punctuality.

      Highlight The Tools You Used

      Highlighting the tools you used in your line of work adds an icing to the cake. It adds more volume to your achievements and presents you as a more competent candidate.

      By emphasizing the particular software or resources you leveraged to achieve your accomplishments, you demonstrate your proficiency.

      Don’t forget to always align them with the requirements or qualifications of the job posting. No employer will appreciate you highlighting your knowledge about WordPress when they specifically mentioned Google Analytics experience as a requirement.

      For example, if the job post mentioned knowledge of Google Analytics as a prerequisite, ensure you explain how and when you Google Analytics to optimize a website.

      cover letter templates 5 - CVJury

      Using Emotional Intelligence To Stand Out

      Another way to stand out is by including examples of your emotional intelligence in your CV or resume. Your emotional intelligence is your capacity to understand your feelings and other people’s emotions.

      How do you describe emotional intelligence?

      Include situations and tasks from your work experience that show your emotional intelligence.

      Emotional Intelligence Examples:

      1. Mentored interns or new employees

      2. Developed new client relationships

      3. Interviewed potential job candidates

      4. Led a project team

      5. Resolved personnel conflicts

      joob seeker

      Employ Graphical Content

      When you have a basic understanding of implementing complex and soft skills, it is time to learn how to do it effectively. It will not catch their attention if potential employers are supposed to see everything in the middle of a paragraph.

      Instead, use graphics to illustrate your skills. These will add a lot of value to your resume. You can even categorize your hard skills if you are confident enough.

      For example, do the job responsibilities require expertise in specific software? 

      Then create a new section in your CV dedicated to your professional experience with that software. You can do the same with all your skills, making your CV stand out!

      Not a wizard with graphics?

      Check out 45+ resume templates from CVJURY that can help you add skills to your CV or resume.

      Add Results

      Employers want to know how valuable you were to your previous company, team, department, or clients. Not sharing how your accomplishments helped can leave the recruiter doubtful.

      The hiring manager will likely spend a minute (on average) on your resume before moving on to the next one. So, include tangible details like the results so that when they run through your resume they’ll like what they see.

      Since employers want to know what you can do for them, show them what you have done for your previous (or current) company. Talk about the beneficial results or outcomes you achieved through your efforts.

      Did you contribute towards achieving company goals? Did you optimize a process or system to increase efficiency? Did you reduce a company’s production costs? Did you save the company money? Did you develop a new system? Did you exceed performance metrics?

      For example, instead of just saying “Implemented a new marketing campaign,” say, “Implemented a new marketing campaign that generated a 20% increase in qualified leads.”

      When you showcase your results, your achievements become more compelling. We showed how to add results in our Facebook post.

      Rectangle - 6

      What Should Your Accomplishments Include?

      When writing a resume accomplishment, you want the hiring manager to know the impact of your work. Therefore, when writing about your achievements, include the following:


      A timeframe provides context to your achievement. If, for example, you met and exceeded a KPI in a month, it is more impactful than the same KPI you may have achieved over a few months.

      The timeframe of your achievement would be measured by how long it took to complete a task and how frequently you delivered over a time period.

      For example:

      How long it took:

      “Successfully completed and published 11 articles within a month.”

      The frequency:

      “Wrote 5 articles weekly.”


      Scale is important in showing the magnitude and significance of the accomplishment. When adding scale, discuss how many people you worked with or managed, how big the budget was, the number of customers you satisfied, and so on.

      Adding data like these shows your expertise and soft skills, making you more credible.


      Your achievements are more effective when you have results to show. Certain outcomes like an increase in customer satisfaction ratings or team productivity show potential employers how much you can contribute to their company.



      What Accomplishments Shouldn’t Be In Your Resume?

      Accomplishments strengthen your resume. They help your resume make the cut in the hiring process. However, some achievements should not make their way into your resume. They include:

      Irrelevant And Old Accomplishments

      Some of your achievements will become irrelevant as you progress in your career. Your accomplishments from college or high school (for example) are not valuable unless they relate to the role you are applying for.

      If you are a recent graduate applying for an entry-level job, your college accomplishments (such as awards or school projects) can help. However, if you are miles ahead in your career, focus on only your relevant professional achievements.

      Recognizing irrelevant achievements and pruning them from your resume is the first step. You must be disciplined enough to declutter your resume from irrelevant accomplishments, no matter how much you want to keep them.

      Exaggerated Accomplishments

      Making your accomplishments sound impressive is very important. However, exaggerating them is an entirely different ball game that should not be played.

      In the hiring process, the recruiter may ask your previous employers or references to verify any information you may have shared. If the information you shared is exaggerated or false, then you’ve automatically rigged the game against you.

      Personal Accomplishments

      Always prioritize professional accomplishments on your resume. Your political, social, and religious accomplishments should not be in your resume. The accomplishments on your resume should revolve around your work or volunteer experience, career, or hobbies.

      Accomplishments That Contain Sensitive Information About A Company

      Before sharing some information in your accomplishment statement, check with your previous or current company to know what information to withhold.

      Some information you share may be confidential, sensitive, private, or privileged. No company wants somebody spilling the beans about the details of their business.

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      90+ Work Accomplishments Examples

      Looking for something that sounds like you? Well, we got your back!

      Here are some example achievements across different professions that you can use as a reference or template:

      Accounting and Finance examples:

      Financial Analyst

      • Conducted a comprehensive cost analysis which increased revenue by 50% within a six-month period.

      • Developed a new risk management framework that improved portfolio diversification, reducing overall portfolio risk by 27% while maintaining consistent returns.

      • Assisted a team of 15 finance analysts in streamlining annual financial reviews for 30 client companies by using advanced Excel features such as formulas, power pivots, pivot tables, charts, and macros.


      • Oversaw and managed an annual budget of $500,000 for over four years.

      • Led a team of 5 accountants and collaborated on budgets and forecasting, reducing costs by 40%.

      • Spearheaded the implementation of process improvement initiatives, increasing department productivity by 20%.

      Credit Analyst

      • Implemented a new credit risk assessment model, improving the accuracy of default predictions by 28% and enabling more informed lending decisions.

      • Conducted in-depth financial analysis and credit evaluations for over 200 commercial loan applications, approving $35 million in low-risk loans that generated $1.8 million in interest income.

      • Streamlined the credit approval process, reducing the average turnaround time by 20% while maintaining rigorous due diligence standards.


      • Achieved 135% of the annual sales target for investment products, generating over $2 million in revenue and ranking among the top 10% of bankers in the region.

      • Managed a project overseas and built relationships with 60+ high-value clients, leading to a 30% increase in accounts acquired in six months.

      • Successfully maintained a default rate of less than 1% while managing a loan portfolio of $20 million.

      Business Work Accomplishment Examples

      Project manager

      • Developed and executed a comprehensive marketing strategy, resulting in a 25% increase in lead generation and securing three major client contracts in a timely manner.

      • Executed a new project management tool that streamlined task tracking and resource allocation, enabling the timely completion of 8 concurrent projects within a single quarter.

      • Successfully led and completed over 10 projects two weeks ahead of schedule and within budget, generating a total of $800,000 in revenue over two years.

      Branch Manager

      • Increased brand visibility by 50% by participating in community affairs and implementing community relations.

      • Boosted branch productivity by 20% through effective management strategies, surpassing regional targets and contributing to a 12% increase in overall company annual revenue.

      • Identified and addressed operational inefficiencies, leading to a 30% reduction in operational costs while maintaining high service quality standards.

      Data Analyst

      • Increased profits by 15% and reduced excess stock by 20% through the development of advanced data models and forecasting algorithms to optimize inventory management.

      • Provided the executive team with real-time insights into key performance indicators by designing and automating financial reporting processes, encouraging data-driven decision-making.

      • Developed five new successful product lines within the first six months of the year through a well-conducted data-driven market analysis.

      Product Manager

      • Supervised the implementation of rigorous quality assurance processes, reducing product defects by 35% and improving customer satisfaction by 22%.

      • Redesigned and optimized a flagship product line, resulting in a 28% increase in market share within the first year of launch.

      • Designed data-boosted Ad feature with advanced targeted ad–serving capabilities, increasing the product reach by 50% and reducing customer complaints by 70%.

      CV Builder

      Marketing And Sales Accomplishment Examples

      Customer Service

      • Managed 200+ customer calls per week and reduced the call handling time by 15% without compromising on the quality of service.

      • Attended to 40+ customers daily, answered customer questions, clarified product offerings, pitched new products, and introduced a customer feedback system, improving service delivery by 20%.

      • Worked on the implementation of a new customer service ticketing system, enabling issues to be resolved in a timely manner.

      Retail managers

      • Carried out strategic merchandising and upselling techniques, boosting store sales by over 15% in the course of three months.

      • Reduced stock-outs by 35% and ensured product availability by using inventory management strategies.

      • Provided effective coaching and mentorship through various programs to a team of 20 sales associates, resulting in a 22% increase in sales performance and exceeding departmental targets for the year.


      • Led initiatives that resulted in closing over $5 million in new business contracts, contributing to a 28% increase in market share for the company’s flagship product line.

      • Hit and exceeded sales KPIs by 25% for April, May, June, and July 2024 in my first year of being employed.

      • Employed effective negotiation tactics and consultative selling approaches, achieving a 35% improvement in closing rate and ranking among the top performers in the region.

      Administrative and Human Resources examples

      Human Resources Manager

      • Led the implementation of a remote work policy, enabling a seamless transition to a hybrid workforce model while maintaining organizational efficiency and increasing employee retention.

      • Organized comprehensive training programs focused on work development, resulting in a 22% increase in employee satisfaction rates.

      • Improved communication channels and improved the recruitment process, leading to a 30% reduction in time-to-hire.

      Administrative Assistant

      • Reduced paper consumption by 50% and digitizing over 2,000 clients’ records by implementing a digital filing system using PandaDoc.

      • Managed quarterly and annual meetings for different departments using 30+ slide PowerPoint presentations, successfully reducing meeting time requirements by 20%.

      • Coordinated and scheduled over 500 events seamlessly, ensuring efficient utilization of conference rooms and resources.

      Office Manager

      • Successfully negotiated favorable terms with vendors and service providers, resulting in annual savings of over $75,000 for the organization.

      • Organized the successful launch of a new office location, while minimizing operational disruptions.

      • Organized eco-friendly programs, such as a comprehensive recycling program and energy-efficient office upgrades, saving over $20,000 in utility costs annually while promoting environmental sustainability.

      Healthcare and Medicine Resume Accomplishments Examples


      • Created a comprehensive eye health education program for local schools, promoting early detection and prevention of vision-related issues in the workplace.

      • Implemented advanced diagnostic technology, enabling more accurate and efficient eye examinations, improving patient satisfaction ratings by 28%.

      • Created a personalized vision therapy program, helping over 50 patients effectively manage and overcome various visual disorders.


      • Trained and mentored a team of dental assistants and hygienists, completing over 2,500 successful dental procedures with a 98% patient satisfaction rate.

      • Performed over 400 complex dental procedures with a 97% success rate

      • Spearheaded the creation of a dental outreach program, providing free high-quality, and exceptional care to over 200 individuals in the community.


      • Contributed to the development of a new patient care protocol, resulting in a 25% reduction in hospital-acquired infections.

      • Served as a key member of the emergency response team, providing critical care and supporting the successful treatment of over 500 patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

      • Involved in the execution of a new electronic medical records system, ensuring seamless data integration, and participated in training sessions for over 100 healthcare professionals.


      • Performed over 500 successful surgeries with an exceptional success rate and demonstrated a broad range of surgical practices, earning recognition as an expert in the field.

      • Reduced patient recovery times by 40% using skillful surgical techniques and showcasing practices at the forefront of medical advancements.

      • Mentored and trained a team of resident surgeons, contributing to the advancement of surgical education and knowledge transfer of surgical practices.

      IT Accomplishment Examples

      Software Engineer

      • Optimized system performance by implementing caching strategies and database indexing, resulting in a 40% reduction in response times.

      • Led a team of 8 developers in the successful delivery of a mission-critical software development project, meeting all deadlines and exceeding client expectations.

      • Developed reusable code libraries and frameworks, streamlining the engineering process and improving overall development efficiency by 25%.

      AI Engineer

      • Developed and deployed machine learning models that enabled continued growth in customer acquisition, increasing conversion rates by 18%.

      • Implemented natural language processing algorithms, improving chatbot abilities and increasing customer service interactions by an average of 22%.

      • Designed and developed computer vision systems for quality control, reducing defect rates by 35% and enabling continued growth in production output.

      Web Developer

      • Developed and launched a responsive e-commerce website, resulting in a 30% increase in online sales for three consecutive years.

      • Optimized website performance through code refactoring and implementation of best practices, reducing load times by 50% and improving user engagement metrics.

      • Created visually appealing and user-friendly web applications, winning industry awards for excellence in web development for two years.

      Cyber Security

      • Developed and enforced a comprehensive cybersecurity policy, covering data encryption, regular penetration testing, and employee cyber hygiene training. Reduced security incidents by 60% within the first year as evidenced by internal audits.

      • Designed and effected advanced security protocols and firewalls, saving the company from potential data breaches, reducing system vulnerabilities by 70%, and preventing financial losses of over $2 million.

      • Spearheaded the certification process for ISO 27001 and GDPR compliance, ensuring the company met international standards for data security and privacy. This involved revamping data handling processes and training 300+ staff, significantly boosting client trust and opening new markets in Europe.

      Creative Design Accomplishment Examples

      Graphic Designer

      • Conducted training sessions on design principles and software tools, upskilling over 50 employees.

      • Designed award-winning and visually appealing marketing campaigns that increased brand awareness by 35% and contributed to a 20% increase in sales.

      • Created over 500 visually appealing graphic designs for different clients, maintaining a client satisfaction rate of 98%.


      • Incorporated advanced video editing techniques to reduce post-production time by 40% while maintaining exceptional quality.

      • Produced high-quality corporate videos that received industry recognition and multiple awards.

      • Trained and mentored over 25 junior videographers, ensuring transfer of knowledge.


      • Conducted over 50 photoshoots for high-end clients and major brands, with images featured in international advertising campaigns.

      • Increased brand awareness by 25% for an e-commerce jewelry company through compelling product photography and targeted social media advertising.

      • My photograph capturing a Southeast Asian cultural festival won first place in the “Cultural Travel Photography” category of a prestigious international competition.


      • Designed a children’s book with captivating illustrations, selling over 20,000 copies within five months.

      • Collaborated with UX designers to translate wireframes into engaging and user-friendly illustrations for a children’s educational app.

      • Developed character concepts for best-selling children’s book series and increased sales.


      • Created an explainer video for a tech startup using Adobe Animate, increasing product sales by 30%.

      • Produced a 12-minute animation tutorial video that gained over a million views on YouTube and multiple positive online reviews.

      • Worked with 12 game designers to create high-quality animations for a mobile game, contributing to its top-grossing position on app stores.

      Social Media Manager

      • Increased follower count by 45% across all major social media accounts through strategic social media campaigns, boosting brand awareness and higher audience engagement.

      • Scheduled over 20 posts for X company’s social media accounts, increasing website traffic by 30%.

      • Executed targeted social media campaigns that generated a 20% conversion rate for website signups, directly contributing to increased lead generation.


      • Wrote over 10 articles in a month using a comprehensive SEO strategy for a client’s website, resulting in a 25% increase in organic website traffic within a year.

      • Authored high-ranking blog posts consistently ranking on the first page of search engine results for targeted keywords, driving significant organic traffic to the client’s website.

      • Revamped 50+ articles within a six-month period.

      Education Accomplishment Examples


      • Increased student engagement by 20% through the launch of an innovative science curriculum that also improved student test scores by 15%.

      • Handled the execution of a new curriculum focused on project-based learning that helped students get top scores on standardized tests for three consecutive years.

      • Boosted student participation in extracurricular reading activities by organizing classroom literacy events.


      • Published groundbreaking research in a prestigious academic journal, advancing knowledge in the field and establishing the university’s reputation.

      • Played a key role in supervising 15 undergraduates’ research work, helping them receive national recognition for their research.

      • Played a key role in securing a grant to fund a research project on sustainable energy solutions, which involved leading over 10 student researchers.


      • Provided one-on-one tutoring sessions with various university students, helping 90% of them develop effective study habits and get a ‘B’ grade or higher in tutored subjects.

      • Helped a student with dyslexia improve their reading comprehension by two grade levels within a semester through one-on-one tutoring sessions and targeted strategies.

      • Tutored a group of five high school students preparing for the SAT exam, helping them increase their scores by an average score of 100 points.

      Other Work Accomplishment Examples


      • Managed a multi-line phone system, handling over 100 calls daily and increasing appointment bookings by 10%.

      • Maintained a 5-star rating for consistently scheduling over 50 appointments weekly, addressing inquiries promptly, and providing exceptional customer service.

      • Awarded for punctual attendance consecutively and ensuring front desk coverage.

      Truck Driver

      • Proven track record of a consistent perfect safety record for five years.

      • Consistently exceeded delivery deadlines by an average of 2 hours per trip, due to efficient route planning and proactive problem-solving on the road

      • Contributed to the company’s operational flexibility by showing proficiency in handling different types of trucks and equipment.


      • Designed over 20 award-winning architectural projects that received critical acclaim for their innovative and sustainable designs.

      • Successfully presented project proposals to potential clients, resulting in a 15% increase in new client acquisition for the architectural firm.

      • Completed all projects within budget and on schedule.

      Event Planner

      • Organized a 100+ corporate conferences for over 700 attendees each.

      • Negotiated a 10% discount with a major catering company.

      • Developed a comprehensive marketing campaign for the event, utilizing social media platforms and targeted email marketing to reach a wider audience and increase attendance by 20%.

      Bar Tender

      • Achieved a consistent 5-star rating on online reviews for exceptional customer service, including creating personalized drink recommendations

      • Created 5 new gin cocktails registered in the Cocktail Registry and increased sales of signature cocktails by 15% through upselling techniques.

      • Creatively utilized leftover cocktail ingredients, minimizing bar waste by 10%.

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      Leaving a Lasting Impression: Control Your Professional Narrative with Accomplishments

      Crafting resume accomplishments is not exactly easy, but it isn’t undoable. If this is your first time using accomplishments on a resume, then take it slowly. If you have no hard data to showcase on your resume, qualify your accomplishments and start tracking your work.

      Resume accomplishment statements grab the attention of potential employers. Always incorporate relevant keywords into your accomplishment. That way, your resume can get a high match score when scanned.

      With the expert tips provided in this article, you can create the most impressive resume that shows your value to recruiters. Use the professional CV templates from CVJURY to make your CV/resume stand out from the crowd and boost your employability.

      It will be rocky at first, but with the guiding hand of this article, you will be super good at crafting accomplishments and making them handsome.

      Looking for more job search tips? Check out other helpful articles and tips for job seekers on the CVJURY blog to help you get that dream job.



      Successfully start a new job by engaging positively, seeking help, and showing initiative and punctuality.



      Ace job interviews by researching deeply, practicing responses, making strong impressions, and following up effectively.

      Written By: 

      CVJury Editorial Team


      The CVJury Team includes hiring managers, employability consultants, and independent career counselors. Our purpose is to make creating a CV or resume easy. We have 15 years of experience supporting professionals, job seekers, and students worldwide.

      Read our story and discover how we can help you.

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