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3 Simple and Easy Job Hunt Tips from Experts You’ll Really Love

3 Simple and Easy Job Hunt Tips from Experts You’ll Really Love

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Finding a job (job hunt) can feel like running a marathon. Many people do it, so you assume it can be easy, right? Yet, the end is so far off that you feel exhausted by the fifth mile.

That’s why it’s crucial to follow the proper training program.

The same applies to a successful job hunt.

Effective job search strategies will help you get from the start line, past the halfway mark, and over the finish line.

Your medal? A job that satisfies and exceeds your aspirations.

Keep reading to learn our top job-hunting advice and get tips to help you find a job faster.

No matter your job experience, qualifications, or self-confidence, it’s normal to feel stress and anxiety when looking for a job.

These emotions can impact your ability to perform well in an interview or write an inspiring cover letter with our cover letter builder.

Anxiety may even put you off applying for a job you may be qualified for. 

Why is looking for a job so taxing? 

Well, money is one side of the problem. 

Without a reliable income and the cost of job-hunting building, you’re bound to feel some stress creep into your shoulders.

But even people with more significant financial security experience stress and worry while searching for a job. 

Therefore, many experts agree that one of the leading causes of job hunt stress is the lack of control that comes with it.

For example, you need to know how recruiters will receive your application. 

What’s asked in the interview is also out of your control.

To make you less susceptible to job hunt stress, it’s essential to control what you can and accept the rest. 

That’s why job hunt strategies are necessary.

Best strategies will be a crutch throughout the job search process, allowing you to progress despite rejection and setbacks. 

What Slows Down Job Search Success?

I recently read a post that ridicules some great job stories of people hired in less traditional ways.

The post suggested that finding a job without going through the usual application system is rare. 

After all, jobs are scarce. 

Most active job seekers find it hard to secure employment, so it must be impossible for people that aren’t actively looking!

My first inclination was to scroll past the post. 

But something made me curious about the person who had written it.

Looking at their profile, I realised this person had been job-hunting for a long time. 

Yet, their LinkedIn profile was almost entirely blank.

You can create your profile using the CVJury LinkedIn profile builder for free. 

You’ll feel more confident in yourself.

At the top of their profile was the kind of generic heading that you see so often, a version of: “seeking XYZ industry role”.

Need I say more?

Some people will tell you that opening a LinkedIn account is your gateway to job success.

Admittedly, there is some truth in this.  

LinkedIn is an excellent platform for finding jobs and networking.

Many people have found their dream job via LinkedIn, but the online job hunt doesn’t end when you’ve hit the sign-up button.

Achieving the kind of success you’ve read about will require much more effort.

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Don’t ridicule other people’s job search stories or job-hunting tips. 

All it does is rob you of an opportunity to learn and improve your skills.

3 Effective Job Hunt Strategies

Use the best job hunt websites

First, when looking for a job, you want to know that you’re looking for the right place. 

Using the best job hunt websites should keep you on the right track.

Job search websites like Indeed and LinkedIn will save you a lot of time because they allow you to filter your search. 

They’re also viral platforms for big and small companies, so you’ll see many opportunities.

However, if you’re looking for a job in a specific niche, try to find job search websites that are set up for particular industries.

Optimize your LinkedIn profile

One of our top tips for an online job hunt is not to be humble in your LinkedIn headline and subject line

These are the things anyone who visits your LinkedIn profile will see first. 

These texts will grab the attention of potential employers and recruiters, so save them.

Furthermore, keyword optimization in your headline could put you in the top 10 accounts for recruiter searches!

Ranking higher in a search will increase your chances of finding a job. 

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how well-written and thorough your profile is if recruiters don’t read it.

After tackling your LinkedIn headline and subject line, could you spend some time optimising your profile?

You can take the time to learn how to optimise your profile for search results and include keywords wherever you can without sounding robotic.

Next, ensure that what you write targets what recruiters are looking for. 

Try putting yourself in a recruiter’s place.

What would you put into a search engine when finding a new employee? 

You probably wouldn’t search for bland phrases like:

  • Open to new opportunities (what job seeker isn’t?)
  • Jobseeker
  • Looking for employment

These expressions don’t inspire confidence. 

When searching for natural talent, recruiters bypass profiles with similar statements.

Check-in with your network

We’ve discussed networking in several CVJury blog posts, and we’ll mention it again now. 

A professional network can significantly help when searching for a new job. 

The more comprehensive your network, the more chance someone in your social bubble can help you find a job.

Don’t be anxious to reach out to people in your network. 

Send a personal message asking how they are and letting them know you seek opportunities.

They may not be able to offer you a job directly. 

However, they may be able to put you in touch with recruiters and hiring managers or forward relevant jobs.

Top Job Hunt Tips


  • Understand what recruiters are looking for and include that in your application.
  • Use keywords in your headline, subject line, and profile description.
  • Make your skills and experience level clear in your LinkedIn headline and subject line.
  • Consider getting a career coach at NECareersConnect.
  • Do your best but accept that you can't control every aspect of your job search. This will help reduce stress and anxiety while looking for a job.


  • Don't just talk about what you are looking for. Recruiters need to know what you can offer them.
  • Don't use vague and uninspiring phrases in your CV, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing – search engines are wise to this. Besides, you don't want to sound like a robot.
  • Don't be discouraged by others' success! Instead, learn from them.
  • There are endless opportunities out there. The challenge is to find the right key to the right door.
  • Don't submit the same resume for every job application. Customize it.

For more of our top tips and expert job seekers’ advice, check out CV Jury’s job-finding tips. 

Also, sign up to CV Jury for help and guidance on every step of your job hunt!

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CVJury Editorial Team

The CVJury Team includes hiring managers, employability consultants, and independent career counselors. Our purpose is to make creating a CV or resume easy. We have 15 years of experience supporting professionals, job seekers, and students worldwide. Read our story and discover how we can help you.

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